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Messages - MarkB

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This had already been done, and the conference calling is still not working.  It is weird, I can call the first extension without issue, go to add another and the first call is put on hold, but I get a busy signal.  I have to hang up.  The first number called is still on hold and has to hang up as well.  My installers worked with ClearOne and got the logs from the unit.  It appears that the Mitel is not accepting the request to call another extension. Naturally ClearOne said that the unit would work on the Mitel but they are stumped.  I was hoping to avoid opening a call with Mitel as this product is apparently not supported by them, but I am running out of options and this project has been going on for way too long.

I got this from one of our bell techs.  It has all the settings for the UC360 sip device capabilities.  It has a polycom device listed as well.

You were right.  We can now make external calls.  Only issue left is the conference calling.  When we try to add another phone to the call, the call is put on hold, another extension can be dialed, but that is it.  The third party is not being added to the call.

Sorry, should have mentioned that.  I have already set the COS and COR to the same as my office phone. 

we have a crestron device connected to a Clearone controller in our boardroom.  The phone is registered with the 3300.  I can make and receive internal calls.  However, whenever I try to make an external call, I just get a busy signal.  Could really use some help. 

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Add third party SIP Phone
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:46:17 PM »
We just went through an expensive upgrade in our boardroom.  There was an analog polycom being used.  Replacing it, was what got the project started.  We ended up with a Clearone Converge along with a Control4 unit which allows everything to be controlled via a tablet.  Clearone promised that everything would work with our Mitel.  The phone does work, however, the Clearone cannot send a flash to the Mitel.  Now we can't use the conference option.  The unit can be setup to connect via analog.  However, no we won't be getting all the advantages our VOIP system.  There has to be a way to make conference calls while being setup as a SIP phone instead of analog.

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