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Messages - toadman667

Pages: [1]
Finally got it working! The Route Group tricked helped a ton with troubleshooting, but it ended up just requiring some fine-tuning of the pauses (and their value in Timers and Limits).

Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate all of your help and expertise.

Thanks, dwayneg! That's a brilliant plan, and your instructions were very easy to follow. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you; we'd been held up by a critical bug in the DB Programming application.

In any case, I'm afraid I'm having trouble getting everything to actually work. Calls to local numbers show up with the appropriate account code (same as the long distance access code) in the SMDR reports, but calls to toll - long distance numbers still hear a dial tone and wait for user input of the access code.

I verified that the dial rules were taking effect by temporarily removing the ECHO local address option. Calls no longer went through at all, as expected, so the dial rules for toll - long distance calls are working. Adding the pause rule additional times doesn't seem to do anything either. I've fiddled with using a dial rule with the access code explicitly entered, as well, and nothing seems to be able to allow these calls to be placed automatically.

Do you have any idea what might be the trouble?

Thanks in advance for your help and support!

For toll long-distance calls, we have an access code required (by our service provider, not the Mitel 5000 CP) to prevent unauthorized long distance calls by customers and clients. They dial out with the phone number, hear a long tone, enter the access code, and then the call is finally placed.

Certain phones, however, are located in Admin and we would like those to be able to dial long distance calls without entering the access code.

Is that possible?

Thanks, Tech Electronics! Try as I might, I cannot get the softphones to input feature codes. Off-hook, speed dial, or simply dialing are fail to make any difference.

Is there anything else that might be worth trying?

Tech Electronics, thanks! That makes sense to me, but I'm not sure how to let the SIP softphones use Hunt Group Remove/Replace. As far as I understand, they don't support feature codes, except for a limited few for outgoing calls, conferences, etc. Have I just not configured them correctly?

We're currently using the Distributed search type, but if one is better for this situation than the other, then it's certainly possible for us to switch to it.

Good to know! Thank you for all of the valuable input. The final recall destination would just be the "agents unavailable" CRA, without any later destination.

I'm sorry I neglected to mention this earlier, but agents are using SIP softphones (Bria 4; just setup recently), and I'm beginning to fear that they're causing unique issues here.

When the softphones have been disconnected for an extended period of time or the phones are all set to DND, the caller is just told that the extension cannot be reached and the recall destination of the hunt group is ignored.

Additionally, if a caller is in the hunt group when all agents go DND, they are simply hung up on.

How can I avoid those behaviors?

acejavelin, that's brilliant! The only trouble is that the DID number call goes directly to a STAR, then a Call Routing Announcement, and then finally goes to the Hunt Group. However, we are not concerned about other calls to this phone being forwarded when the agent has left their desk, so I imagine it will work just as well if I enable the appropriate call type, correct?

Tech Electronics: The state of 1 agent in particular is just an arbitrary restriction. More realistically, we'd like to avoid routing calls to the hunt group at all and instead play a "no representatives available message" if no representatives are at their desks. There are currently only 2 members in the hunt group, and there may eventually be 1-3 members in the group total.

Using acejavelin's solution, I just thought of the following possibility: Have the CRA forward to Phone #1, which is configured with a DND system forwarding path of the appropriate type (CO transfer?) that forwards to Phone #2, with an identical system forwarding path that then forwards to our "no agents available" CRA.

To get calls to the hunt group when agents are available, each phone would also be setup with a subsequent Immediate and Busy forwarding path that goes to the hunt group. Agents would be instructed to set their phones to Do Not Disturb when leaving their desk. Do you imagine that would work?

My main concern is what would happen to users currently waiting in the Hunt Group if all agents go to DND.

Thank you all very much for your support.

We'd like to be able to forward or redirect hunt group calls to a Call Routing Announcement application early on in the call (well before the recall timer is up), but only when a specific agent hast left their desk. I've tried to forward their SIP phone unconditionally in the Web Access control panel, but Hunt Groups seem to ignore forwards to applications. Obviously, they also ignore all system forwarding paths, so I'm at a loss as to how this might be accomplished.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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