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Messages - merlin02131

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: UCA Shows Deskphone Active but Offline
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:17:31 PM »
I had the same exact issue as I cannot find a fix except to reboot also . We have a 3300 ICP w 2 MBG's and 7 Virtual servers !

We find that after a lot of programming it is best to reboot and let the changes take effect .

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab Nupoint and Mivoice Office
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:15:51 PM »
I have an admin guide and an engineering guide for UCA
I will search and see what else I have as I have been tearing the internet apart for info on our 3300 ICP !!!

email me and I will send it to you



Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab and Active Directory Synch
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:09:58 PM »
Thx Evan

we teeter around 800 so Some day I may need that !

Nice call !!!

Hey Guys

Thx for the replies as I got it !

 I did not set up presence in Multi Device user Groups / when in the extension click on the user and it brings you into the Presence section to set up for twinning .

Hey eveyrone

does anyone have a set up doc for twinning or can you point me to somewhere that explains twinning and how to set it up ? Having a heck of a time trying to grasp it and understand  it as the manuals are not really good in explanation details

Problem I have is that  it stopped working and when the cell rings you cannot connect by selecting the incoming call as it does nto connect ( it does nothing ) .

Thanks in advance !



Mitel Software Applications / Re: fialed to dail no more free lines uca
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:44:57 PM »
My Solution was to reboot the MAS MCD and Gateways . ALL MY problem child UCA users now work fine . Hate to say that but no technical issues found except that a reboot fixed this exact issue .

Mitel Software Applications / Re: How to review logs for UCA
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:30:05 PM »
Sorry for the late response

Thank You as I will look into that as well . I am an engineer from way back so I need to see it versus hear it lol .

We rebooted the servers about a week ago as I had 4 UCA users with different issues like stated above  . It seems to have cleared them all up as they have been working ever since . We are building a schedule to reboot maybe once every month going forward . We have seen but not yet proven that data seems to get slowed and even non existant after a while between systems as well as funky stuff occurring between MAS MCD and 2 MBG's . 

Stuff like this drives me nuts as there is no root causes

We have 250 Call Ctr users as well as 400 Tels along with UCA Oaisys Salesforce and some other programs , Keeps me busy !

I had some issues with Oaisys a while ago but it was more like bugs in the software as We upgraded and could not download the client piece .  What you describe is sounding more like something is blocking it from starting .  Is Oaisys in the same subnet as the PC you are trying to connect with ?  We upgraded because due to recording issues but not with  connection issues except after we upgraded we found an issue with the client as Oaisys claims its a known issue with downloading the client portion , We had some issues trying to connect to the upgraded version and had to use a hidden URL . I am checking my notes to see if I can find it but the Web URL was wrong in the new software .

What version are you running ?
Whats your network look like ?
Subnets , Routers etc .
Your GPO , Is it an internal firewall or does it scan your whole network , and was it installed on the same day you noticed the issues ??

Previous experience , especially with Sonic wall , Even though your GPO unit may have been disconnected , I would remove it OFF the network and test , If this unit was installed close to the same time you started experiencing issues .

Hope this helps !

I had that problem on a User the other day , as I set the user up manually Thru MAS / MCD NOT using Windows Active Directory . I did not troubleshoot , only to remove the user and set him back up by importing his info via Integrated Directory . I had some issues with IDS importing the correct user in fo , names , so I tried to set the users up manually

After this ,  I could not log into Outlook due to the User using windows log on and Outlook was looking for the credentials from the user to log on with Windows Logon . Not too sure exactly what the issue was as I did not have time to troubleshoot . But by using IDS/Windows log on , fixing IDS by clearing out ALL entries and re importing , I was able to get the user to work again .

I know its uin the windows log on but not exactly sure where ...

Hope this helps !



Mitel Software Applications / How to review logs for UCA
« on: July 25, 2014, 09:32:04 AM »

I have a couple of issues with UCA , one being UCA was unable to dial number and another one No more free lines available for ext 9368

Anyone ever hear of these issues or know how to enable or review the logs on the UCA , If possible ?

Driving me nuts trying to find info on anything with UCA

ANY help would be appreciated



Has anyone ever figured out a solution tot his ? I have the same issue where my user dials an ext and gets an error msg :

No more free lines available On device desk phone ( 9368 )


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel UCA App setup
« on: June 10, 2014, 01:02:16 PM »
Hey john

Any chance on getting that seperate response ? we are going to be enabling this as well . security is MY biggest concern as well



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