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Messages - bronislaw

Pages: [1]
Hi Martin,

First up, thanks for posting :) I've just come across the same headache and I hoped your post was the answer to my hours of head-scratching :D I removed the "G" from the line group config and whilst the delay is now slightly reduced, there's still about 2 seconds delay between lifting the handset and the audio channel being connected :(

Similar to you, I've noticed that the other transfer types don't have this problem. I appreciate that this is an old post now, but if you can recall anything else which might have helped reduce this delay I'd really appreciate the guidance :)


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Centralized RAC
« on: September 04, 2014, 10:03:26 AM »
I recently configurd a cluster of three MXe controllers running MCD 6 in a similar way :)

What you want is possible, but it requires specific licencing.  The "NPUM IP Integration" licence applies when integrating NuPoint with MCD for Record-a-Call. Each 3300 MCD requires an IP integration licence, and a single NuPoint server can support a maximum of 4 MCD instances at once (I believe).

Hope that helps? :)

Hi There,

I decided to create an account here on the off-chance this would help someone else...  I had the same "unknown error when validating credentials" as has been reported by other users. When checking the logs, it simply suggest that there is a time-out when trying to connect to the MAS server. - Testing the server for connectivity on port 443 revealed there was no such trouble.

Long story short, here's what fixed it for me:

I found that machines experiencing this problem were lacking a .NET update..... Once I'd Installed the .NET 4.5.1 update (which can be found ), the issue was resolved and users were able to sign in :)

All the best!

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