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Messages - NESysAd

Pages: [1]
 ;D Excellent! Thank you!

Howdy all!

We just rolled out our new phone system last week and everything is running smooth except UM integration with Gmail. That's not working at all.

NuPoint Unified Messaging

Smart Host Domain Name:

Mail Server:
Type: Google Apps
Adapter Type: IMAP
Secure IMAP: Yes
IP Address:

Email Configuration:
Server to use for Outbound SMTP:
Mail Server User ID: I used a service account I created in Gmail with Super Admin rights.
SMTP Email Injection Restrictions: localhost only

Google Apps:
Set up for OAuth 1.0 Access.
I downloaded the manifest, added it to our Google Apps instance as instructed, and entered the consumer and secret keys.

So I call into my phone, leave a voicemail and wait for the email. Nothing. I'm checking the logs and I don't see anything in maillog, Google Apps/Current is effectively blank...
The company that did the install for us was awesome, but they seem genuinely stumped by this and the tech they assigned to this case doesn't seem to have a clue.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!  :)

P.S. - I forgot to mention the sketchy gadget entry in the manifest. What's up with that? It doesn't look legit at all!
Code: [Select]
<Extension id="gadget" type="gadget">
        <Name>Hello World Gmail contextual gadget</Name>
        <Container name="mail" />
        <Scope ref="imapaccess" />

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