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Messages - mrmo

Pages: [1]
Except what the OP is looking for is NOT a way to hide the extension from the Dial-by-Name directory, what they want is to hide it from the Directory key on the phone (Feature 307), which I do not think is possible.

You can leave the name blank, but will still show in the directory as <ext#> I believe.
Hi acejavelin you are correct.
If i leave the name blank the internal number still appears in the IC directory using feature code 307 with a blank name.
Is it possible to hide the internal number as well?


Try putting a tilde (~) in front of the name.

The tilde didnt seem to work on the description
however its the internal extension number we wish to hide

Is it possible to hide an internal number and its name in the directory?
Currently left the decription to blank and populated the username in the phones section.
However I dont want the name or number to be visible in the directory if users scroll through all internal numbers.
thanks in advance

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: questing regarding incoming DID Names
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:06:28 AM »
Wow, so many options.  If company A is always more important than B, HG priority will get the job done.  Otherwise if you're using HGs the agent will only see one call ringing at a call goes to a different agent so first agent doesn't have a choice to pick it up.  Even a CTI app like Xarios won't help, because again each agent sees only one call at a time.
If you're using all-ring HG here's a solution for you: create two HG, one for A, one for B.  Only member of group A is PHANTOM EXT X, only member of HG B is PHANTOM EXT Y.  Put secondary call keys on agents' phones representing X and Y.  When a call comes to the group. corresponding button on agent phone(s) will flash and phone(s) will ring.  Agent presses button to answer call he wants.  I've sometimes done this with one or more "regular" HG plus one or more "phantom" HG.
Hi Dwayneg
many thanks for your advice
went with your scenario of phantom keys and it met the customer needs
Much appreciated all

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: questing regarding incoming DID Names
« on: January 12, 2014, 09:56:15 AM »
Many thanks for the fast and detailed replies very much appreciated.
Will try the hunt group priority scenario.
The phantom idea sounds great but not sure if it is scalable as for example if they increase to 10-20 company names so it wont be practical to have them all on keys.
In the case of 10 DID names I am assuming i will create 10 hunt groups with the same members but all with different priorities?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / questing regarding incoming DID Names
« on: January 10, 2014, 04:58:39 PM »
Hi there
Quick question about incoming DID name on an E1 link on a 5000 running 6.0 software.

We have a scenario where multiple DIDs ring one group .
The DID names show as Company 1 and Company 2 etc
How can users proactively select the call they want to answer in the event of company 1 and company 2 calls coming in at roughly the same time.
for example it may be more important to answer company 2 calls first.
Is this possible?
Should we have multiple hunt groups ?
Does hunt group priority work?

Thank you in advance

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