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Messages - coreilly

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the info. We are not having any problems, I just always like to stay current. I'll have to schedule an upgrade to MAS 5 in 2014.

For the version of UCA I am running. We are using Mitel Applications Suite on Mitel Standard Linux 9.4.34.


We have a couple of softphone users that work from home. Their softphones work properly, however I have noticed something strange. When I log into the MAS Server, go to Mitel Border Gateway, and click Services there is a red X next to them in the Connected column. I have confirmed that their softphones are connected and working. Shouldn't they have a green check box next to them in that column? Our remote 5330 phones all have green check boxes but the softphone users have a red X. Is this normal?

Hi everyone. Is there a version of the UCA client newer than


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