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Messages - pgartner

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Distinguishing incoming calls
« on: February 09, 2016, 09:39:21 AM »
thank you that worked great

probably because I was testing the call internally first, I had to set the system forward bath fwd type ic call to yes also on the phantom to get it to run my hangup-cra


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Distinguishing incoming calls
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:15:30 PM »
Thanks TE and Dwayneg

A very different idea if you're planning to use an ALL-RING hunt group is to put only a phantom in the group.  Then put a SECONDARY CALL KEY on the agents phone for each call brand.  Call will ring the agents on the named SECONDARY CALL KEY, and agent must press the key to answer...this gives the agent a chance to get his mind in gear for the correct answer script.  If you go this route I always create a CRA saying "This call has already been answered" and set a SYSTEM FORWARD/IMMEDIATE path for the phantom so if an agent is not the first to answer he'll get this message instead of ringing the phantom, which might cause yet another agent to answer.  Calls from the hung group to the phantom, of course, won't follow this path because HG calls don't follow sys fwd path.

I like that.  and the system fwd "this call has been answered" is great

just a question, I assume because another extension answered the call, other calls ringing in would still work because the phantom is not on a call


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Distinguishing incoming calls
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:14:59 PM »
I have a client who needs to have their agents answer the 2nd number differently. Instead of ‘thank you for calling ABC co’ the need to answer those calls as ‘how can XYZ inc make you day better’

I need to find a way distinguish or announce from what DID the call is entering on.  Either an on screen message, ring on a different call appearance (3 and 4), a different ring or?? (or even all of the above)

How would I accomplish this?

My call flow currently is:
Telco 800 -> T1 DID -> star -> hung group -> extension list

I would duplicate the call flow, using a new star, hg and extension list.


Unfortunately I have no access to any kind of lab to play around on

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: do i have a defective phone
« on: September 02, 2015, 04:15:25 PM »
just to update you. the client is not is willing to authorise overtime hours to upgrade the firmware, nor for the travel to their site to do further diagnostics

so we have asked the vendor (telco) to replace the phone. with all their red tape and the time it takes big gear for the cooperate machine to come around, it will be awhile before we see any action on getting a replacement.

which, I asked them to send to me first so I can test to make sure it works before sending out to the client.

Many thanks


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: do i have a defective phone
« on: August 26, 2015, 09:02:43 AM »

Hmm, Well there are issues with wireless handsets or headsets with certain versions of software and an upgrade to the latest version seems to fix the problem. Now, that being said the issue you are having doesn't seem to strike the same cord as the others in memory, but you never know when it comes to those things.

What you can do is have them stop using the cordless device on that phone by just removing it and putting on the corded handset and see if that resolves the issue for them. The issue with the cordless headset seems to be more of a bad battery on the device so it could never be paired, but then again it could just be bad in general.

If the problem follows the phone then obviously the issue is with the hardware and now you just need to determine whether it is the base phone itself or the cordless module and devices; my money is on the cordless module and devices being the culprit so just have them remove them and see if it persists.

Hopefully that gives you a little more confidence going in on further troubleshooting, but so far with the steps you have taken the problem is obviously a hardware one. I also hope that you left the corded handset that came with the phone so the user can remove the wireless portion and put on the corded one. If you have them remove the module and device don't forget to tell them about the strap inside the phone that will need to be removed.

Thanks for the reply,

the system is running  v (6.0 sp1, pr1 release 43) as part of a networked setup with 2 other mitel 5000's on the same software version.  can I run mix software versions on the network?  as I said earlier this site is 4 hours from me. do you think it is safe (and wise) to try to do a software update remotely? (I have access to a local PC onsite with the mitel tools so I can launch the upgrade from there)

do you recall what issue there were with the cordless devices?

the new phone was sold and dropped shipped by the telco, I only maintain the system. I have not laid my hands on this new phone.  from what I can tell it was a bundle with the wireless module already installed. I don't even know if they got the wired handset with the new phone. I will verify and see if using a wired handset changes anything.

what bugs me, and maybe I should have used better terminology earlier, is that only call on analog trunk 1 (3891)have this issue. calls on analog trunk 2 (4581) are fine. if it is hardware, shouldn't the problem be the same answering either trunk?

as for the earpiece, I think that either the battery is defective, or the charge cradle is not properly connected. I am think the cradle. but I can not verify anything from remote :(


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / do i have a defective phone
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:06:06 PM »
I am trying to determine if I have a defective phone or something else is going on.

We recently (june or july) swapped their 5330e (ext 1201) for a new 5330e that has a wireless handset and wireless ear piece. for the older phone we created a new ext 1204.

the client is now reporting that when the user on ext 1201 answers an inbound call from line one (3891) the line gets cut off right away. Calls from line 2 (4581) work fine. Answering line 1 from the old phone (1204) works, as does answering from the 2nd extension button 1201 on any of the other 2 phone in the system.

Of note we paired the wireless handset when we got the unit, but never was able to pair the wireless ear piece. No lights light up, nor does it light up when in the charge cradle.   This is a separate issue.

My call flow is
(analog lines) --> star --> cra --> hunt group --> hunt group extension list (rings 1201 and 1204)

On the phones they have call appearance 1 and 2. The incoming call is always on call appearance 1
The autotext from the cra plays fine.

This is what I did so far
Function 394 to reset the phone
hybrid test line
loop start test lines
create new ext 1206 and remap to 1201
problems did not go away (always sticking to the cordless unit)
I then rebooted the system
Same issue
Just now I swapped the MAC address of 1201 and 1204, so the wireless is 1204, and the problem follows the physical phone (the wireless one)

This site is about 4 hours from me, so I only have limited things a can do to further test.

Is my wireless phone defective?  Could there be something in the phone system that is bugging?

What would you guys do? Replace the phone?

I feel bad, I completely forgot to comeback to this forum and got side tracked with other issue. Sorry

Quote from: pgartner
1)   When the system is in night mode they want certain options on the CRA to fall to a hunt group that rings a digital phone extension list. When they leave for the day they forward their extension to the stand by person (or persons) those standby people forward their extension to their cell phones.
When I tried this the calls to the hung group ring the desk phones but do not follow the forwarding the put in place. If I send the CRA option to an extension it follow the forwarding path as expected

When the system goes into Night Mode do you change to a different CRA that goes where they want it to; if not try that. Also you could use a poor man's day\night mode trick with phantoms that they would control. Without knowing what changes currently when they switch from Day to Night it is hard to answer your questions with any certainty. As for its current reaction to what you are trying to do it is working as expected since the HG controls the call and it is alerting the phone that there is a call and therefore there is nothing to forward out.

The call flow is from CRT --> STAR – where there is a line that look for night mode and sends it to a CRA called nightmode
The default for the STAR is to send it to a CRA for play an audiotex then sends the call to a huntgroup
The nightmode CRA plays an audiotex and gives them a menu choice. One of those choice is to send the call to another hunt group. It is this hunt group that they want to forward to the supervisor

Quote from: pgartner
2)   When an outside caller, or a person in another department calls or transfers a call to an agents extension, if the call is unanswered in X seconds they want the call routed to their hunt group. I thought I something with system forwarding paths on the extension might work. I was not able to make it work

Alright, what happens to the call currently? Does it recall back to the original person that transferred the call; if someone did transfer it? For those that ring them directly does it got to voicemail or the primary attendant? Basically, we need to know what it is doing so we have a better idea of what timers are being used to handle the call flow for each scenario you are trying to cover.

From what they tell me the call rings the desk and then falls to voicemail. I have to test it out to give you a better answer.



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / some Mitel programming help needed
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:30:30 PM »
I have 2 programming requests that a client asked me that I cannot figure out how to make them work.

1)   When the system is in night mode they want certain options on the CRA to fall to a hunt group that rings a digital phone extension list. When they leave for the day they forward their extension to the stand by person (or persons) those standby people forward their extension to their cell phones.
When I tried this the calls to the hung group ring the desk phones but do not follow the forwarding the put in place. If I send the CRA option to an extension it follow the forwarding path as expected

2)   When an outside caller, or a person in another department calls or transfers a call to an agents extension, if the call is unanswered in X seconds they want the call routed to their hunt group. I thought I something with system forwarding paths on the extension might work. I was not able to make it work

The next question is how would #2 work with #1?
Any clever ideas?


correct, if you mouse over each bar you get the number of calls in that hour. it does not display the number by default. and if you filter down by extension it does not change any of the info on the bar graph.

I would like something like

outbound calls
 ext  1001  1002  1003   1004
7am  0            0        0         1
8am  7            6        9         8
9am  3            3        2         3


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: echo on remote 5360
« on: June 03, 2015, 02:04:50 PM »
we finally figured out the issue.

a bad handset.

Thanks for all your help

I have a client who requires a simple report that shows the hourly number call inbound and the hourly number of calls outbound by extension

they do outbound sales and telemarketing and would like to know how their people are performing.

I know in the reports/pstn I can drill down by extension, but it is raw data showing all the call details. we just need to know how many in each hour.

any ideas on how I can get this.



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: echo on remote 5360
« on: April 30, 2015, 11:06:04 AM »
this is a system that I did not setup, from what I know the MBG is proxieing /firewalling the internet connections for the sip trunks and remote phones

as such, I am not in a position to remove the MBG from the setup.

other then the echo profile on the extension, is there any other places I should look for echo cancelation settings?



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: echo on remote 5360
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:33:25 PM »
anybody have any idea?


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / echo on remote 5360
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:02:16 AM »
I have one extension that is suffering from bad echo. He does not hear any echo, but the people that call him, or that he calls, either internal (intercom) or external, they hear their voice repeated back.
When he records his outgoing voicemail message, it is fine
I adjusted the echo profile on his extension from 1 to 4 and then 5, it improved a bit, but still not acceptable.
No other person is complaining about echo issues.

My environment is a mitel 5000 v 6.0 sp1 pr1 with sip tunks and a Mitel Border Gateway
My user has a mitel 5360 and is connected from the outside. His connection is a nice 60/20mbs and the pings have a very nice latency (12-18ms) to our public IP.
He also has a lynksys ATA connected to for his home line, and there is no issue on those calls.

Any ideas on where I should be looking?


Tearing down and rebuilding the network is easy now that I know the trick. Thanks guys

I have a few more questions.

From each site I can pick up the handset and dial the remote sites STAR (2600, 2640, and 2680).I would like to program a button on their 5330e’s to do this. I tried a system speed dial, but it wants to use the trunk. How can I program a key to point to a CRA , Huntgroup or STAR on the remote system?

In my demo lab, I have my demo 5000 with a backup of the existing production systems config, and the 2 new 5000 systems. When I am ready to deploy, can I just program the networking components on the client’s production system and just re-import/export the phone, cra, star hungroups? Or do I have to revert back each of the new 5000s to NON-networked and build the networking new with their production system?



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