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Messages - LegoAddict

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Mitel Software Applications / UCA 7.1 Click to call
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:50:59 PM »
Hi all,

Just wondering what success everyone else has had getting Click to Call working with the UCA client.

I have it working with IE, and somewhat in Outlook but not with Chrome or Firefox (unless it's through a key combination). Some of my users have requested that we get it working with he mouse.

I've asked my phone suppliers but I haven't received much of a response. Can you share with what you have it working with and what you did?


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:52:08 AM »
You may want to try a couple of things:
1- delete the 2 phones from the TW server and set them back up again.
2- reboot the TW server.
3- swap their phones out.


I'm going to try this in a bit! I can't swap their phones out though, I have no spares to give them at the moment.

I just tried this. I also confirmed with one of the user that he can dial into his voicemial (6510 on the same subnet as TW) and use tones. I'm starting to think it's a routing issue at the SIP provider. 

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:18:30 AM »
You may want to try a couple of things:
1- delete the 2 phones from the TW server and set them back up again.
2- reboot the TW server.
3- swap their phones out.


I'm going to try this in a bit! I can't swap their phones out though, I have no spares to give them at the moment.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:17:11 AM »
Do they experience the issue on something other then that particular conferencing service?

They experience it with multiple conference services. I'm waiting to hear from them if they have trouble dialing into their voice mail.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 07, 2013, 08:11:26 PM »
One has the same CoS as everyone else and the other has another CoS all be herself.

Nothing has been changed here though, that I know of anyway.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:52:16 PM »
Yes, they are able to send tones.

Mitel Software Applications / Tones through Teleworker and SIP
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:49:53 PM »
Hi there,

I have a teleworker and multiple users/ICPs that was working fine. Last Wednesday two of my co-wokers started having an issue sending tones through to external audio conference services. This only affects two users on one particular 3300. The other users who connect to other 3300's don't have this issue through teleworker. This 3300 is using SIP and has been using it for the last two months, it was working fine and all of a suddenly stopped. They can connect and make calls just fine, they can't send tones though.

Not sure where to look on the 3300 or the teleworker to troubleshoot this.


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