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Messages - BBIT

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In case anyone else finds this thread, 6.0 build 29 has a fix for this problem.

We found it on version 5 something
Glad to hear it's not just me. Did you have any luck solving the issue?

I'm trying to diagnose a very annoying problem and hoping someone here might have some insight.

Setup: Mitel 5000 5.0 SP2 with Mitel 8528 digital phones.
Problem: When using the speakerphone on these phones, after 10 minutes the echo cancellation stops working and the other party starts hearing an echo of themselves talking. The only way to stop the echo is to mute the microphone while the other party is talking.

My provider has looked and tried to adjust noise cancellation settings but it has not helped. I just discovered in the 6.0 R28 documentation that this is a known issue.
DPAR ID MN00484653 - 10 min to 1 hour sip trunk speakerphone call - after 10 minutes the outside party starts to hear echo.

Like I mentioned, we're not on 6.0 yet but it appears to at least have started in 5.0. I'm hoping to not have to go to analog lines + Polycoms for the rooms that are currently using the 8528 phones with the speakerphone. The echo cancellation works for 10 minutes, so it's just a matter of figuring out the software to keep it going after 10 minutes, right? Maybe Mitel has an upcoming fix, or there's some other way to get around this? Possibly fixing by reducing handset microphone gain (have not done this before)?


To delete waiting inter-station messages:
1. Press the Message button. MSG <message information> appears.
2. Press *to delete the displayed message.

Ah, got it. (I hadn't used that before)

Thanks, I have the forwarding working successfully now.  :D   

I am still having a problem caused by trying to configuring two phones in the dynamic extension express where voicemail notifications for the origin user are going to the destination user's phone, even though the origin user has no messages (I cleared them out). I haven't been able to find any way to clear/cancel these phantom notifications, and the voicemail button on the destination user's phone no longer directs just to the user's own voicemail automatically.

I've got my problems solved. Thanks for your help!

Wait.... is there any reason why I shouldn't just set the phone's forwarding to the destination user?  It seems like the phone's built-in forwarding is sufficient enough?

Thanks, acejavelin. I'm stuck on the "CFA / Call Forward x123 to x567 (the Hunt Group)" settings.

Completed so far:
Make new Call Routing Announcement that forwards to destination user’s voicemail
  • Voice Processor -> Devices -> Applications -> [Right Click] Create Call Routing Announcement (CRA)
  • Remove Day and Night Greetings from new CRA
  • In “Digit Translation” change timeout to “Transfer to Mailbox” and input the destination user’s mailbox number.

Create new hunt group with destination user as a Hunt Group Member
  • System -> Devices -> Hunt Groups [Right Click] Create Hunt Group
  • Right Click Hunt Group’s  “Recall” and “Change Recall” -> Select Call Routing Announcement -> Choose the new CRA made for this user.
  • Members -> add the destination user’s extension
  • Timers -> Recall Timer to 24 seconds

These are copper trunks into a CRA.   [System->Trunk-Related Information-> Call Routing Tables]
My experience editing the routing tables is limited to setting up a new table configured for "outside party number" to block telemarketers.

Our main call routing table (#1) has entries for the configured DIDs when the system was first setup, but this user does not have a DID.

Not sure how I did this one, but I have two extensions, phantom #234 and desk phone #345. 
I have a different phone #999 that has it's own mailbox, but nobody calls it.
#999's voicemail light is blinking for new messages, but it's not showing #999's voicemails. Intead it is giving notifications for both #234 and #345's voicemails (combining their total).

I had earlier tried to forward calls from #234 and #345 to #999 by adding #999 as an associated destination in dynamic extension express, and I believe that is related to this.

Greetings, and apologies if this answer is already in another thread. (Tried searching and found this and this but it didn't seem like those were a simple solution to my issue.)
I have an employee on leave and I would like to keep her account active and as it is right now as much as possible so that when she returns she can start using her account/phone right away.

Goal: When outside party calls desk phone user with extension #123 the call actually goes to user with desk phone #456, and then #456's voicemail.

My attempt involved adding a new "Associated Destination" in the "Dynamic Extension Express" settings that added a "Desk 2" phone that when pointed to the destination of the #456 user. This has the unfortunate side effect of forwarding the voicemail box of user #123 to user #456's phone, so that user #456 can no longer check his voicemail on his phone.

Other forwarding threads mention hunt groups and new forwarding paths, neither of which I have setup on the system before and I'm going over the help documentation but I would greatly like a push in the right direction to get this figured out.

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