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Messages - sedwardson

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Hunt group forwarding when busy
« on: December 06, 2013, 01:10:44 PM »
I have a hunt group that people come in and out of and at times there may not be anyone at all in the group.  If this is the case, when you ring the hunt group, you get the busy tone and I would like to redirect the caller to a mailbox.  I have tried setting the Overflow and Recall options aswell as the Announcement option but still no joy.  I have also tried setting the Camp-Ons Allowed option to yes but this still wouldn't let me forward the call. 

Does anyone know how I can achieve this?


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Outgoing caller ID
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:08:04 AM »
Apologies for jumping into a thread but I too am looking to change the calling party number.  I have done this successfully in the past for UK numbers (in the way that was described by chrismitel) but I am having issues with a US number.  Is there a way that I can confirm if a carrier will accept the number and also what format the carrier is expecting the number in?


Thanks NTed, just to conclude, you were right regarding what I needed, however, we dont have the licences!  Thanks for all your help on this.

all seems to be working so far, but I have a final few can I confirm that the order is correct? is there a report or view that I can see that will show this?  Also, as this will change on a daily basis, other than logging out at the end or each day, is there an automated way logging users off with nightmode or at a certain time?.

Thanks again...


Answered my own question...needed the "Use ACD Agent ID's" option turned I can see how each agent assigns themselves to the correct agent :-)  Time to test !



Thanks for this idea of the ACD groups and members, I just dont seem to understand how a sales person is assigned an agent id.  Does it correspond to the members list or the agents list?  or does it have something to do with the key combination after the #376?  I think this might work, but as yet I dont fully understand it.  I have a test hunt group setup with agents and a few test members and its set as an ACD hunt group but i think i'm missing something.  Thanks for all the help so far btw...


Thanks for your help on this but i think that its going to be a no go. Your right, it would be a nightmare getting the order correct and I'm just trying to give them the ability to make the change.  Hey ho...looks like i'll have to continue to do it myself. :-)

Thanks again for your suggestions.

Thanks for the possible solution but the amount of variations would mean that this unfortunately isnt viable (havent worked it out but it would span into the hundreds).  But I am impressed at your answer !

Thanks again


Everyday the sales department hunt group order changes and I wondered if there was a way that instead of us using the programming to change the order each time, they could dial into the hunt group and remove all extensions, then add in the ones they wanted, in the order they wanted?  Or if anyone knows of any other solutions which would allow the end user to manipulate one hunt group then I would appreciate it.



None of the 4 phones are in a hunt group.  Calls will be placed directly to them individually, ie ext. 1, ext 2...and I hope to have any messages available and obvious to all 4 phones from a single shared mailbox.  Thank you.

AHA!, ok, I think i'm down to my final I now have all four setup as you said, do I need to create a forward path so that calls will get routed to the mailbox or do I have to do something else?  Sorry for what must seem basic questions...


Thanks for the reply.  This may sound like a nubie question but where do configure point two in your instructions? "Set this phantom to be the notification endpoint for the mailbox"  I cannot see this on any of the associated mailboxes or if I try and create an un-associated mailbox.



My apologies if this has already been covered (although I couldnt see it) but I'm trying to get 4 IP 8622 phones to use the same mailbox.  Is this possible?  Failing that, if I could get one mailbox between two I would be happy.

Thanks in advance


Thanks for all your help acejavelin, its an ISDN but from the sounds of your description, I think i'll stick with a two phone solution for the time being.  Again thanks for the quick response.  It makes a huge difference.

Hi all,

is it possible to setup a 5312 IP phone with a feature key to specify which outgoing number is used when calling externally?  I have a sales person who will need to use two different external numbers and although I could setup two phones both displaying the unique external number when dialling out, it would be nice if they could have one phone and just use a speed dial or configured feature key.

ie pressing feature key 1 dials from line one and comes from 01xxx 654321 and pressing feature key 2 two dials from 01xxx 123456 so when the client calls back they call on the correct number.

Hope this makes sense.



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