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Messages - kengo

Pages: [1]
Good morning everyone. I started the installation with the program. It lasted 17 hours (clean install), but in the end hung. checked what happened with putti. get a log like this:
[VxWorks Boot]: @

boot device          : ata=0,0
unit number          : 0
processor number     : 0
file name            : /partition1/RTC8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
gateway inet (g)     :
user (u)             : ftp
ftp password (pw)    : @
flags (f)            : 0x0
other (o)            : qefcc

Disk Configuration Started.
Creating block device for controller  0 drive 0... done.
Creating CBIO device for controller  0 drive 0... done.
0KB added to /partition1 partition
free disk space after partition 0 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition2 partition
free disk space after partition 1 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition3 partition
free disk space after partition 2 is 0KB
0KB added to /partition4 partition
free disk space after partition 3 is 0KB
Attaching to partition table for 4 partitions on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Disk Configuration Complete.
Loading /partition1/RTC8260...n/a

Error loading file: errno = 0x380003.

MITEL SYSTEM ROM R3.1/11 Aug 10 2012

CCA Number                      : 56009216 RC.2
System Model                    : 00610001 F100
CPU Model                       : 8360 R80480021
Reset Config Low                : 08030008
Reset Config High               : b4500006
Coherent System Bus Clock (MHz) : 266
CPM Clock (MHz)                 : 266
Core Clock (MHz)                : 399
DDR Clock (MHz)                 : 133
Local Bus Clock (MHz)           : 66
Input Clock (MHz)               : 33
Internal Memory Map             : f0000000
Main Memory (MB)                : 512
Local Memory (MB)               : 0
Flash Memory (MB)               : 2
MAC Address                     : 08000f6004a8
L2 Switch                       : 0
POST Bypass                     : 0
Watchdog Bypass                 : 0
Slot Id                         : 0

Starting POST...

SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk 1................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk 0................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Address  Walk 1................... PASSED
SDRAM CS1 Address  Walk 0................... PASSED

Starting vxWorks...

Reset Cause                     : 0x103 - SOFTWARE_RESET

VxWorks System Boot

Copyright 1984-2002  Wind River Systems, Inc.

CPU: Mitel Embedded PPC83XX F100
Version: VxWorks5.5.2
BSP version: 3.1/11
Creation date: Aug 10 2012, 10:47:30

Attempt to start the installation again, is not successful. It is possible to install a usb?

Pages: [1]