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Messages - simon.croak

Pages: [1]
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300 MCD and Exchange 2010
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:56:10 PM »
Hi TS,

Unfortunately I did all those changes and it hasn't helped.

I wonder if we can compare exchange setups? How would you like to PM me your email address so I can send you screenshots of my setup?



Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300 MCD and Exchange 2010
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:13:30 PM »
Hi TS,

Thanks so much for your time on this.

I have attached the information you have requested. I've PDF'ed all the forms hope that's OK.



Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300 MCD and Exchange 2010
« on: February 06, 2013, 05:56:28 PM »
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your replies. I've managed to turn on UM debugging, and I have posted the full "conversation" below. It seams like it should be working to me especially with the "The telephone interface is starting activity" messages.

TS - I wonder. What happens if you call YOUR ARS route directly from an extension?

Anyway the logs:

Ext 5508 is my desk phone. Number 3200 is the number defined in exchange as the Subscriber Access Number in the Dial Plan (And the ARS route):

Msg #1:
Code: [Select]
A call was received with the following parameters:
Calling Party: "sip:5508@",
Called Party: "sip:3200@",
Diversion Information: "",
Referred-By Header: "",
Call ID "654690576-98448750"

Msg #2:
Code: [Select]
The Unified Messaging server has received a call from "5508", with user extension "" and a call ID of "654690576-98448750".

Msg #3:
Code: [Select]
The telephone interface is starting activity "Type: Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu, ID: 0callDiscriminator" for the call with ID 654690576-98448750.
Msg #4:
Code: [Select]
The telephone interface is starting activity "Type: Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu, ID: 0100" for the call with ID 654690576-98448750.
Msg #5:
Code: [Select]
The telephone interface is starting activity "Type: Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu, ID: 0infoGreetingMenu" for the call with ID 654690576-98448750.
Msg #6:
Code: [Select]
The telephone interface is starting activity "Type: Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu, ID: 0101" for the call with ID 654690576-98448750.
Msg #7:
Code: [Select]
The telephone interface is starting activity "Type: Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu, ID: 0104" for the call with ID 654690576-98448750.
Msg #8:
Code: [Select]
The Unified Messaging server has ended a call with ID "654690576-98448750" because the user at the far end disconnected.
Msg #9:
Code: [Select]
Call data: UnAuthenticatedPilotNumber,654690576-98448750,WBEXCHANGE3,95c1b748-57e4-4879-9302-12498a1a73d7,WB UM Dial Plan,2013-02-06T22:50:28-08:00,0,00:00:05,3e7217b8-5b84-4436-9741-c369aaff2ee8,Mitel 3300 MCD,"5508","",Direct,Answer,None,"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,g7221,0,0,42,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
Thanks again guys.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300 MCD and Exchange 2010
« on: January 30, 2013, 02:16:12 PM »
Hi TS,

Thanks for the reply.

You mention that you don't use ACD. How do you get calls to the Exchange system?

I've found out that the "Dead Air" isn't actually dead air. It's the exchange system "Waiting" for more information I believe. If i dial 3201 (The exchange auto attendant) wait for the "dead air" and then dial another internal extension number I actually get transferred to that extension!

Thanks for the info about the logs. I'll try changing the logging level and see what I find.

I'm interested to see how you route calls to exchange in the mean time though.



Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Mitel 3300 MCD and Exchange 2010
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:54:34 PM »
Hi All,

I have a strange issue I'm hoping someone on this forum has come across before.

I'm trying to setup exchange 2010 UM with our 3300 MCD.

I have followed the Mitel “Configure MCD 4.0 UR3 for use with Microsoft Exchange 2010” document that I was able to get from the Edocs website.

Everything seams to be working from the SIP trunk side of things. But subscriber access number or auto attendant don't seam to be working....I'll explain.

I currently have an ACD route setup with number 320 (1 digits to follow) pointing down the SIP trunk route.

When I setup my extension (5508) to call forward no answer to 3200 and then call 5508 from another phone I get the correct Exchange prompt to leave a message. I can leave a message and it gets delivered to my mailbox no problem.

If I call 3200 from my extension (or any other internal extension) to try and log into my mailbox I get "dead air".

If I call 3201 from my extension to try and get the auto attendant I also get "dead air".

I've been told the reason that I get the prompt when my extension is forwarded to 3200 is because the SIP packet contains a "Forwarded From" extension. But how do I fake this when I need to dial the subscriber access number?

I've read somethings (mostly on this forum) about a speed dial number. But I've tried a few different S/C's but nothing has changed.

If anyone reading this has Mitel MCD to Exchange 2010 setup correctly please let me know how you did it.



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