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Messages - ZuluAlpha

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44] 45 46
I think the original numbers would also have to be Hot Desk extensions to no get call to the original extension when in the IM room. They would sign out of those and in to the IM Hotdesk extensions.

On a 3300 you could also set up personal ring groups, if the regular/IM extensions that move are always the same, and manage the regular/IM extensions with presence. I'm not sure if the same option exists on the Office 250.

I haven't worked with 8.0 yet but sometimes I have to use compatibility mode on IE to get things to work right.

Is it extension 1004?

Is ext 1004 known to have this issue?

My first instinct is that the extension being called is an attendant extension on one of the mailboxes.

Every now and then I'll use a # in my phantoms and have the NuPoint use that phantom as the attendant extension (5#001) but I can't remember if I use any of those as an alternate mailbox number to route to the NuPoint.

As to how they got in, it was probably an automated dialer and script pressing * or # at the Auto Attendant and entering mailbox 9999. Then default passcodes are used until there's a hit. Once you're in this way you can modify the mailbox routing, or delete the setup altogether. Most of us have probably seen it happen at one time or another. It's unlikely, but not impossible, that the system was hacked via the web interface.

Although type of thing is not exclusive to Mitel systems, I had it happen to me not too long ago. It was international toll fraud. Fortunately our carrier caught it quickly and turned off international calling. Part of my correction was implementing 6 digit passocdes, lock outs after three failed attempts, and setting the COR of my voicemail ports to local calls only.

Don't forget to change the admin/technician passcodes and passcode for mailbox 9999 or they'll get you again.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Remote Analogs
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:54:12 AM »
Remote sites for me range from 20 to 70 users. Sometimes three or four faxes in play.

Do you guys ever get any resistance on faxes to email not being acronym compliant (HIPAA, CPI, Etc)?

If it was login/server based though I bet that wouldn't be an issue.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Remote Analogs
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:24:12 PM »
If you have a remote site that's pretty small, but all IP for phones how do you run analog lines like faxes? Do you prefer to put a MCD solution on site or just run the POTS lines through the local carrier?

I've had a couple of dilemmas with that lately where I'm not sure it makes sense to invest in a PBX on site, but I would love those lines to be in our cluster. I would also like to save the money by having those lines as a DID on our PRI spans that centrally serve us instead of run them for $20 a month in to the building.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300's. DHCP Option Tag 133
« on: February 06, 2017, 04:14:37 PM »
With all traffic on the same network I wouldn't worry about it and let QOS do its thing. Even without QOS I doubt you'd see a big impact in traffic from 5 phones. Unless the circuit gets maxed out from other data quality should be fine.

*Edit - QoS would not affect the amount of traffic on the network

I may not be understanding the entire scenario but I'm wondering if
1) if the members of the group can be twinned to mobile with the COS option set that makes the user have to press a digit to actually answer the call?

2) For over flow to the pager lady, is is possible to overflow to a phone that's twinned to the pager co?


That's a really good idea about the button press. That would eliminate any issue with cell voicemail or carrier messaging.

You have discovered that mobile numbers aren't compatible with groups, we have discovered that as well.
Your users could arrange with their carrier to have the voicemail on those numbers disabled. Doesn't fix the issue of what happens when the mobile is out of service though.

We have  users that have personal ring groups with their main desk number as the primary line and External Hotdesk numbers to their cell phones with voicemail turned off from the carrier. That way, if  they don't answer it goes to their NuPoint voicemail and notifies them by email/text. They use MiCollab to change their presence. I don't know if that's a possible solution here too. Maybe if the call to the PRG isn't answered the Call Rerouting First Alternative can be a speed call that dials the pager.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Forward DID to external number
« on: February 01, 2017, 04:55:59 PM »
If the call is not answered during the day, what happens?

When forwarding to cells it's always a little tricky because if cellular voicemail picks up it interprets that call as being answered. Sometimes cell voicemail picks up right away when service isn't great. While I think your routing scenario will work for the most part - like anything it will have caveats.

Another consideration might be unified messaging for voicemail. NuPoint can send up to three emails (which can be configured with carriers SMS Gateways). You could also create an email group. However, in this scenario I don't know how the pager would fit in.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MAS Server Reboot Guidance
« on: January 31, 2017, 08:38:18 AM »
I will echo acejavelin's experience on the reboots. Our MCD 3300's require the occasional reboot for a variety of reasons, but I have gone over a year without rebooting Nupoint or MiCollab - and even then those reboots were due to scheduled upgrades or power issues - not necessarily due to the servers themselves. One MAS server was up above 700 days at one point.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Auto Attendant Setup
« on: January 27, 2017, 01:41:53 PM »
Also instead of call rerouting the hunt group to voicemail, you could just make the members of the 8508 Hunt Group a few of your voicemail ports and have the Hunt Group Type as "VoiceMail"

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