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Messages - acejavelin

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And you are pressing flash TWICE to get back to the caller, correct? That is standard on all single line devices, so I would assume it holds true for analog SIP devices as well

The software version on the 3300 won't limit the fact that it can do a gig or not, but either way I would dangle it as a carrot to get them to upgrade to "support" these new handsets.
If they work on 9 without an upgrade that's all good, but it could be a way to get them to upgrade as well.
Lol... I am betting that is exactly what our sales person did. He went out there a couple days ago and talked to them, the were on an MX controller and now I just got an order come through to install a new MXeIII to replace the old MX and 3 years software assurance.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Feature Key 9
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:08:36 PM »
I was able to do this with no problem, I just clicked the "Selection" field for key 9 and typed in 346 and pressed enter and it changed just fine. I don't think in the older software you can click the actual button, you have to change the fields on the right hand side.

Although what you describe is technically possible, I just would not do this... if someone is not willing to dial 9 (or whatever) it is just pure laziness or stubbornness and that much unwillingness to change will just keep you coming back trying to do oddball one-off fixes so "it acts just like my old phone"... there is a reason they don't have their old phone and now have a new phone, adapt or get out of the way for crying out loud, it's not a big deal.

If one of my sales guys came to me with this question, I would give them the same answer as when they ask if the 5000 can use 9 for outside access... NO

(Sorry if I am little abrupt, it was a long, rough day!)

I had my hand slapped by tech support for that when it was DNIC integration I don't know about IP.
lol... if I had a nickel for every time tech support tried to slap my hand and said don't do that or it will never work, yet it worked fine... well, lets just say I would probably have enough nickels for the pop machine, but not enough to pay for lunch with them and tick off the waitress at TGI Fridays. Still, that's a fair amount of nickels...

Now, I wouldn't put a BLF key on 15 phones for each of the VM ports, but if it is just for 1 phone for you to monitor, probably not a big deal.

Guess I don't see it either, but I seem to remember Mitel Mail having that as an FCOS bit or maybe I am just losing it a little bit.

BUT... Have you tried adding FCOS bits 48 & 49?  It would be partially what you are looking for...

048 No Auto-timestamp of Unplayed Msgs

The server will not play time stamps for previously unplayed messages, and the user will not know when messages were actually received. Use this when the user has a voice pager with limited time. To hear the time stamp, the user presses T while the message plays, or T-1 if the FCOS includes feature bit 204 (Message skip, forward and backward). The user cannot play the time stamp if the FCOS includes feature bit 144 (Skip forward to next message). When a user replays a message, the time stamp plays if feature bit 049 (No auto-time stamp of played msgs) is not in the FCOS. Requires feature bit 050 (Play messages).

049 No Auto-timestamp of Played Msgs

The server will not play time stamps for previously played messages, and the user will not know when messages were actually received. However, if that user gives a message to a mailbox without this feature bit, the time stamp plays for the recipient. To hear the time stamp, the user presses T while the message plays, or T-1 if the FCOS includes feature bit 204 (Message skip, forward and backward). The user cannot play the time stamp if the FCOS includes feature bit 144 (Skip forward to next message). Requires feature bits: 050 (Play messages), 053 (Keep messages)

You could also add FCOS bits 82 & 83 and just let the user skip it.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Feature Key 9
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:26:32 AM »
Quick question.

I have a site on and I am making a bunch of changes to their keymaps in order to make them more consistent with the rest of our sites.

Because of our setup its necessary to make the transfer key do a transfer to hold instead of transfer to ring. On our 5.x systems I just click the key map entry for button 9 and change it. On this specific site it wont let me change it, doesnt even give me that option. I can change all the other keys just not that one.

If I cant change the button is there a way to system wide make all transfers become transfer to hold instead of transfer to ring?

Thank you so much.
Hmmm... what kind of phones are you using? On the Mitel 5340 this is the Message button, I remember there being something weird about that button in earlier software versions, you couldn't change it.

I don't have that specific version installed on my machine right now, but I tried it with and was able to change the buttons with no issues, although I was offline and not connected to a real system. This version of DB Studio is compatible with your system, if you don't have access to it, let me know and I send you a PM on where to get it.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 5000 analog long distance
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:10:40 AM »
Try changing these extensions to access the trunk group directly... it is not really a fix, more of a bypass. Just change the Outbound Extension on these extensions to be the extension number of the analog line trunk group (usually 92001 by default), then pressing 8 will return outside dialtone immediately (will not return a soft dialtone prompt and route through ARS), the digit will instead go directly on the trunk from the device.

To be honest, on systems with only analog trunks and have no special needs for ARS, like network routing, I usually skip ARS completely and just use the trunk group as the outbound extension, it just seems to work smoother.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: LS Ports Lock-Up - Mitel 5000
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:34:35 PM »
As much as I would like to give you a hand, I have never connected a SIP Gateway by any manufacturer to the 5000. Hopefully one of the other users here has some experience with this. Sorry.

Perhaps all you need is to put a BLF/DSS key for each Nupoint extension on a phone, perhaps on page 3 of a 5340 or something? This will let you monitor the status of each port in real time.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: 5000 Dial 8 To get Outside Line
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:45:37 AM »
Or, you could use ARS (Numbering Plan) in the 5000 and have it insert a 9 whenever it sends a call to the 3300 SIP trunk group.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 5000 analog long distance
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:36:17 PM »
OK, maybe I am not understanding, let me try to touch on everything... You verified:

- The outgoing extension is the same as phones that work
- The day and night COS are the same as ones that work or blank
- House Phone is set to NO
- In CO Trunk Groups Outgoing Access, Answer Access, and Emergency Access the extensions are listed, or are part of the extension list (Most systems use 'PP051 Auto: All Stations' by default, but check that it is there and that those extensions are in that list!)

If these four things are good, your extension should be able to dial out...

If these don't work, are you using ARS (outbound extension set to 92000)?

Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: 4Shared or other (free) file hosting
« on: August 06, 2012, 10:03:03 AM »
Actually have been playing with Dropbox (thanks ralph!), seems pretty decent. My other option right now is Google Drive, going to do some testing with that later this week, will let you know how it all works out.

What exactly are you looking for? vccs is the most common way to do this, you could also use 'stat ext <ext num>' in the 3300 to see what the ports are doing?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 5000 analog long distance
« on: August 03, 2012, 07:10:32 PM »
Check the extension's Outbound Extension and COR, set them the same as the other phones. Then check the trunk group and make sure it allowed access to that. Don't have time to go into much details, heading out the door and checked some sites quick and saw you didn't get an answer and wanted to give you something to go on, if I get time this weekend I will try to help, otherwise won't be until late Sunday night or Monday.

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