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Messages - acejavelin

Pages: 1 ... 248 249 [250] 251 252 ... 268
Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Dialing 211
« on: January 03, 2013, 10:02:31 AM »
Yeah, these are all NPA/geographical area specific codes, in different areas they are used to varying degrees... in the tundra of ND we have been using them for well over 10 years.  ;D

Oh, and BTW Ralph, your profile pic is broken, displaying as a broken link...

Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Dialing 211
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:16:30 AM »
Been around a while actually... for the most part I have been programming in N11 in many ARS tables for years, 311, 511, 611, 711, and 811 are also in use in many parts of the country.

Usage is generally assigned as follows:
2-1-1: community services, medical advice, United Way
3-1-1: municipal government services, non-emergency
4-1-1: directory assistance
5-1-1: traffic information or police non-emergency services
6-1-1: telephone company (telco) customer service and repair
7-1-1: TDD relay for the deaf
8-1-1: underground public utility location,[1] in Canada 8-1-1 is assigned for non-emergency health information and services
9-1-1: emergency services

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Assertion Error, Phones Bricking
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:11:49 AM »
No, but I believe there was some bad phones shipped recently, I remember seeing a little bit of discussion on it here and there. I would contact tech support or your inside sales rep and see if you can get replacements.

Yup, always keep one around... Most Sears stores still stocks them for like $10.

I like them to check ring voltage as well, my old Fluke 77-1 just isn't fast enough to accurately measure it.

This might help... it's from the Tech's handbook, note that COS Option 208 must be enabled in the CALLERS COS as well, whether it is a station or a trunk! Meaning if x100 calls x101 which is forwarded externally, x100 must have 208 enabled in it's COS. Same goes for trunks, if a DID caller calls x101 which is forwarded externally, the DID trunk's COS must have 208 enabled as well.

Programming Call Forwarding - External
Call Forwarding - External forwards calls to an external destination by using a personal speed call key, system abbreviated dial number, or a key system personal speedcall.

Call Forwarding - External requires a receiver for dialing. If one is not available in Call Forward - Don’t Answer, forwarding is ignored. If one is not available during a reroute, the caller is dropped or given reorder tone.

1. Program the following COS options in the extension’s COS:
- Enable COS Option 245 (Abbreviated Dialing Access).
- Enable COS Option 208 (Call Forwarding External).
 * Note: The device which is calling the destination that is an external call forward must have COS Option 208, Call Forward External, enabled.
 * Note: Check for split forwarding COS 260 and COS 709.
- Disable COS Option 200 (Account Code, Forced Entry - External Calls) to allow call forwarding to system abbreviated dial numbers.

2. Enable System Option 21 (Incoming to Outgoing Call Forward) for a trunk or party with a single party trunk on hold to forward externally.

3. Program a feature access code for Feature Access Code 03 (Call Forwarding - All Calls).

4. Form 30 (Device Interconnection Table) specifies which devices can be connected together. For external call forwarding that involves two trunks, verify that they can be connected together.

Toll Control applies to the calling party for Call Forwarding - External to personal speed call keys or to key system personal speedcalls.

Toll Control does not apply when forwarding to system abbreviated dial external numbers.

Toll Control does not apply to CO trunks which are externally call forwarded.

The forwarding destination is the current stored speedcall key number, personal abbreviated dial number, or system abbreviated dial number.

Note: On a Call Forward - Busy or Call Forward - Always call, the COS of the caller (trunk or extension) is checked. Keep this in mind when transferring calls to a phone which is externally Call Forwarded.

Be warned if these are lines coming off of an ATA of some kind (SIP, Cable, or other proprietary device) that some of these do not return a disconnect signal at all, or it is so short the Mitel cannot get it. I have run into this before with some of the local cable companies older ATA's. You can usually put a butt set on the line and "hear" the disconnect, it is typically a disconnecting of battery for a moment a few seconds after the remote end disconnects.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel 3300 dial out analog lines
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:57:40 AM »
So do you want specific stations to dial out only on the analog lines? If so the easiest way to do this is to make new routes and add into the routes as a Route List, PRI route first, then the Analog lines second, and use COR programming to make the sets call out on the analog route.

For example...

Route 1 - PRI calls (COR Group 1 - members include COR 1)
Route 2 - Analog lines (COR Group 2 - members include COR 2)

Route List 1: 1st Choice - Route 1, 2nd Choice - Route 2

Digit String: 9X - Route List 1

Then assign the phones will use the PRI a COR of 2, and the phones to use the analog lines a COR of 1.

This is extremely simplified, but hope you get the idea.

Of course, you could just make a new leading digit (like 8 ) for the analog lines, and program duplicate ARS with 8 instead of 9 and all the 8 routes use the analog lines, then just tell people to use the analog lines, dial 8+ and to use the PRI dial 9+.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: 5550 IP console problem locking up
« on: December 27, 2012, 02:02:08 PM »
x-man might be on the right track here... Make sure all VLAN info is removed from the voice VLAN's DHCP options and I always set the phone VLAN DHCP server to have less than 24 hour lease times, 8 hours seems the most stable. The 5550 IP Console seems to work best with a static DHCP assignment too.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: UC Express
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:39:04 PM »
1) Dial Highlighted does not work, and was never intended to work, within Outlook...

From page:
How can I dial from Outlook?
Instead of dialing through Outlook, what IOC (and UCExpress) actually does is allow you to search your Outlook contacts and select the number you wish to dial.

To enable the searching of your Outlook contacts, left click on the search button (the one that looks like the heads) and select "Search Outlook Contacts" from the menu - the little Outlook "head" should turn on.

You can now type in the first, last and/or company of the contact you're searching for.  A menu of matches will appear from which you can select your contact's number to dial.

2a) Not from Outlook, Mitel's UCA, Broadsoft's Enterprise Assistant, and ESI's VIP doesn't do this either (all search Outlook contacts).

2b) Not that I am aware of, Mitel just uses UC Express as a teaser for UCA, although for some customers it is sufficient in itself so Mitel has little incentive to update it as long as it works reasonably well with current software.

2c) I am not familiar with Skype

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: .isl file
« on: December 25, 2012, 01:38:45 PM »
Not that I am aware of, I had searched through the filesystem a long time ago (like v2.1 or something) and couldn't find an ".isl" file, although it can be downloaded from AMC at any time by your authorized vendor at no charge.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Error logs because of FANS
« on: December 22, 2012, 12:50:43 AM »
Interesting... I had a MXeIII primary cluster element running MCD4.2-SP2 that started this a couple days ago, showing FAN2 Starting and stopping every few minutes, yet it appears to be working according to the customer but I haven't had time to go onsite and check it, was going to do it next week.

When you replaced the fans did you make sure the pins lined up correctly and that they were on all the way? Did you power down to replace the phones or replace them "hot"? In theory, you shouldn't have to, all the fans are is standard PC cooling fans using 12VDC and a clock lead so you should be able to do it hot but maybe a full power off/on would help.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC Softphone without SIP?
« on: December 21, 2012, 12:15:38 AM »
supermike is indeed correct, the UC Softphone is basically a SIP Softphone, it will not function without SIP.

That being said, what is the problem... a little port forwarding and you are good to go.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Remote install of 5330's help.
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:35:47 PM »
I am sorry, but this seems very confusing... a true DMZ should not be required at all, perhaps there is a little too much going on. Let me see if I get this correct.

Mitel 5000 location:
Data VLAN: 172.x.x.x (irrelevant for this discussion)
Voice VLAN: 192.168.200.x (5000 @, and can access the internet properly)
Cisco 2900 is the primary router, routing between each VLAN and each VLAN's gateway to the Internet (for example, on one interface and on a second interface). Port forwarding is being done from a static public IP address to the Mitel 5000's IP Address.

Assuming this is done, you should be able to take a phone to almost any location in the world, plug it in, throw it in Teleworker mode, and away you go. I do this from home all the time...

Plug in phone, it gets a 10.20.30.xx IP address from my Linksys router (my Linksys has nothing special in it but Tomato firmware, but it worked properly on the stock firmware as well, no programming or setup required, all outbound port access is handled by the embedded NAT handler since the ports are opened originating inside the firewall), throw it in TW mode and put in the public IP address that our Cisco 891 router (24.230.xx.xx) is handling for the Voice VLAN that has the appropriate ports forwarded to the Mitel 5000 at in our network.

Basically, if the phone can connect from ANY remote location, the problem is remote site specific, if the phone can't connect from any location the issue is on the local end... If you have an extra public IP at the local location (or one you can steal for a short time), put a switch between your Internet connection and the main router, put that static IP information in the phone, and try to connect to the system, if it connects through then your router/5000 setup is correct, if it doesn't... well, you get the picture.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 5312 System Forward
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:12:03 PM »
You can't disable the users ability to turn this off and on, but you can change the feature access code for it to something else prone to accidental activation or set the system flag to force users to press the Special key in order to use FAC's.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Remote install of 5330's help.
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:15:22 PM »
OK, so what do you know other than the above? What does the display in the phones tell you? Does it go through the usual boot steps and get to a screen like IP: xx.xx.xx.xx ICP: xx.xx.xx.xx and just sit there or does it give some kind of message? If you take a phone to a different location, does it work? If you put the phone directly on on a public IP address statically does it connect? Do phones connect inside the LAN?

When this fails it, assuming the 5000 is setup correctly, it is almost always a router issue on the 5000 end, with the ports not passing through properly or getting caught in a firewall. What type of routers are at each end?

Remember the phone is essentially just another PC (or node) in the network, all the same troubleshooting rules apply.

You could just try to pull a file manually with a PC and see if that works, using a TFTP client try to retrieve "L2Boot53xxTtn8M.bin" or "BootIp5324Ttn.bin" and see if you can get the file on the proper ports, that is one of the first steps the phone does. You could also just do a Wireshark of a phone booting and see where it is failing.

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