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Messages - Ronan

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You saved my bacon imanm93

2 hours I'm pulling my last remaining hairs on this

I have a dozen agents connected and using CCC so I know the server config is alright.

I connect agent A it works.

I connect agent B it doesn't work.

Thing is, I just programmed agent B, so I'm thinking I made a mistake, forgot something (there are so many things, security roles etc.).

Agent A I configured a couple days ago always works. Agent B never works.

It's really maddening !

I would have restarted the server but it's so busy right now (IT hotline when everyone is working from home) it's just not possible.

I followed your solution except I didn't do the purge, just stopped the 3 services, started them again, and all is working now !


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Mitel 5212/5224 stuck on TFTP
« on: March 19, 2020, 05:02:29 AM »

my client has made change to its network to reinforce security. I don't know exactly what changes, though. The network gurus are a bit under water with other tasks so I want to have an idea before bothering them.

53XX and 69XX phones work fine. However on some sites (big extended LAN network over the planet) the 52XX phones don't boot, they stay stuck at the TFTP step then reboot. I have not upgraded my 3300 in more than a year so there is no new software to load for the phones, they should just be doing their version check and boot.

Basically on some sites (each with own network parameters, but should be the same everywhere, evidently it's not the case) no 52XX phone is working (but 53XX OK), on other sites all 52XX phones are working.

What's the difference between 52XX and 53XX phones that could explain this ? According to the documentation there is no network protocol or port difference.

Thanks for your ideas


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: SIP trunk licensing
« on: March 04, 2020, 08:19:28 AM »
I will look again at the doc but from memory can you tell me if I can cluster the three MBGs, with each MBG still having its own configuration (especially two telcos) ?

Good. When I migrated from MXe Servers to ISS nobody at Mitel knew how to do it, we had to lab things and improvise. AMC was at a loss too, for months the licenses were in limbo (but without issue).

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Access Database on NuPoint
« on: March 03, 2020, 10:45:37 AM »
Did you ask Mitel ?

Did they answer "if you want stats buy MiCC" ? :d

Yes the import spreadsheet is what you need.

Exporting/editing/importing is for making mass changes (using notepad++ for example). Be careful, something like notepad or excel will usually change the encoding of the csv, and importing will not work. Notepad++ works fine.

An example of a mass change : you add a MiVB in a cluster, and want to rebalance resiliency => you need to remove the secondary element of dozens of phones, then add the new secondary element, quite cumbersome to do phone by phone.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / SIP trunk licensing
« on: March 03, 2020, 10:35:18 AM »
Hello, I already have a couple systems using a SIP trunk, however the client wouldn't fork for 2 MBGs so there is only one, connected to two SBCs from the telco.

Now I'm looking at going from E1s to SIP for our main systems, with about 250 channels, this time with at least 2 MBGs, but to complicate matters, 2 telcos.

When everything is working, all calls from a cluster of 5-6 MiVBs (ISS with thousands users each) would route through MiVB 1, to MBG 1, connected to telco 1.
MiVB 2 would be set up with MBG 2, connected to another equipment from telco 1 (maybe another fiber, maybe in another datacenter, it's not decided yet).

In case telco 1 completely fails, I'm thinking I want a third MBG (MBG 3) connected to telco 2, to MiVB 1 or 2.

I know I need SIP trunk licenses for the MiVB, and the MBG. I think I can't share the MiVB licenses, so I'd need 250 for MiVB1, and 250 for MiVB2, right ?

For the MBGs, I can cluster at least MBG1&2 and share 250 SIP channels, right ?

Can I also share with MBG3 ?

Alternatively, should I set up telco 2 on the same MBG1&2 cluster ? The cost of a third MBG is no issue, but the licenses, that's another story.

Thanks for your advice.

As an aside, our E1s are already emulated through SIP on fiber by the telcos, so I'm not even convinced all this makes much sense.

I have a similar problem. Error 21 gives 7 possible reasons for the failure...

Micollab is going to be used only on the LAN of the company (Micollab for Microsoft), no mobile, no connection from outside.

Do I still need a public IP address ? I really wanted to avoid this.

Micollab does manage to connect to the deployment server after I had the network team change the firewall parameters.

The public part of the diagnostic test doesn't work, but that's expected.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Get raw data in a table from MiCC
« on: July 08, 2019, 05:12:35 AM »

no I have no update at this time.

My boss was work free so I had him do it !

53XX series DECT handsets/headsets are indeed not available anymore from our resellers (including Mitel itself).

For my team we have bought 6940s to test them (we had 5360s before) and they're very nice. The audio quality is better, with MOH on the loudspeaker you can't even compare, it's night and day. We have recently upgraded to 8.0 SP3.

One downside is that there are no application yet for the phones.

I would love to upgrade to 9 if only for the blacklist feature, however that would mean replacing a lot of old hardware, and probably going virtual for many, and ditching the E1s for SIP trunks, so it's a big project for us.

Mitel Software Applications / MICC : list of calls for a day
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:58:04 AM »

my client would like a report with a list of all the inbound calls of the day, with ANI, time of call, outcome, length of call, maybe name of the agent.
The only one that comes close that I can find is the lifecycle, but there is too much information, they just want one line by call.

To them (and me) that should be a basic report but it isn't there.

If you have any ideas it would be appreciated.


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Get raw data in a table from MiCC
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:44:48 AM »
Thanks. They've put a "data engineer" on the subject, we'll see how that goes.

Mitel Software Applications / Get raw data in a table from MiCC
« on: April 11, 2019, 09:46:50 AM »

my client wants to do some bell curve charts of abandoned calls.

However with CCMWeb I can only get the calls spread in a spectrum, making the data unusable for the purpose.

With a lifecycle chart I can access all the calls of the day, or alternatively looking at the SMDR data, but I'm not going to do this manually, we're talking about hundreds of abandoned calls a day.

Alternatively if you know how to get the data from the SQL database, that could also work.


Interesting, I'll try that. Thanks :)

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