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Messages - mitelrocks

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Thanks Southwell and x-man for the info!   I looked around and realized that my contractor wired the building for POE only. There is no copper (25 pair, 50 pair or anything)  between the cafeteria area and the frame room.  Oh, and the frame room is in the other building.  We have FX between the buildings. There are a few 5312 phones in the cafeteria, (mounted near the door, near the register, at security desk and also near the TV area).   Client wants just to do overhead speaker page to the cafeteria area and not to the other IP phones.  The idea is that person at the register or security desk can page overhead to everyone in the area (great idea).   This will be a direct page like you indicated.   In this case, I am sorta stuck using the 5485 IP unit??   So if using 5485, I still need an Amplifier and speakers yes, or can I just go with Valcom "wall speakers"?    I am still confused how to connect IP paging unit to an Amplifier or to Valcom speakers.  Sorry!  It is just as simple as punching down a few pairs to the 66-block (from 5485 unit)or something?   Thanks!

Hi. I have a client who asked me to install a loudspeaker page for their 3300 Mxe II. I have little to no experience in this! (newbie!!) They have a large area that they want covered (its like a small cafeteria actually). There is no paging system already except for a few page groups that I created for them before (a mix and match
of a few IP phones in their tech area and operator area). 

OK. First thing I was thinking to do was to purchase a 5485 IP paging unit. I know that this device acts like a regular IP device (is it POE?) in so much that you program it as a 5010 or something like that -- so you can just put it anywhere, right?   Is the 5485 a speaker too?  Or do I have to also hook up the 5485 to an amplifier and then to a speaker?

More to the point, anyone have a working loudspeaker paging system on a Mxe?  If so, can you help me in recommending components  needed in the paging system?    I know that the MXE II also has a built in E&M paging port -- I am not that familiar with how that works. I assume that you can just connect those leads to an amp and then to a set of speakers?

Would it be better to try to setup loudspeaker paging using the E&M port (the RJ12 page port) or go with the 5485 IP Paging unit?  Thanks!

Hi Ralph...I checked the 3300 and verified that under licenses the option "Networking" is enabled.   

This PBX is not a member of a all the records under the telephone directory are shown as local. I had the customer try to delete a few records and the PBX gave some error message. I'm ready to delete all the phones and start over!  This is weird.

Thanks for the quick answers back!   I had the customer run DBMS check full...came back no errors.  I had them export and them import the telephone directory and the import failed with (all records after the first page) the error "the record is not found".   At this point I am thinking about having them just delete the telephone directory and add them back in. 

Hi everyone.  Got an interesting problem. Recently installed 3300 running MCD 4.2.  Customer tries to update the telephone directory and it fails with error message "no matching records found".  Actually, I found out that only the first page of the telephone directory the customer can update, its the all the rest of the names (pages 2-5) don't work.  I had them reboot the system late and night, and still the problem continues.  Any ideas?

Yes, I set a different COS on the phones verses the analog trunks. 


Thanks Ralph....makes sense.  We'll see what the client wants to do then.   

Hello everyone.  Been fighting this problem for sometime now. Have a 3300 with 3 analog trunks. Client wants to setup call duration limit on all external calls over the analog trunks (for 10 minutes), but not have a call duration on the incoming calls over those analog trunks.  I setup a COS on the phones (COS setting 'enable call duration limit on external calls').   I am able to restrict the call duration for all of the external calls just fine...calls are gracefully cut after 10 minutes, but all of the incoming calls over the analog trunks are also cut after 10 minutes.    I removed that COS setting for the phones, then applied a different COS for the analog trunks ('enable call duration on external calls') and the same thing happens...incoming calls over 10 minutes are cut.  Running MCD 4.1.   Is there a way to seperate this condition?  Any ideas?

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