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Messages - dilkie

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 22
Mitel Software Applications / Re: pros and cons of MiVB ISS deployment
« on: April 26, 2023, 11:28:30 AM »
it's pretty staightforward...

grab the ova for the version of mivb you want and install that. (or use the msl iso image and go that route, either way works).

go get all the licenses you need

and cluster the vm mivb with the mxe..

honestly, you'll need to see if that can work, there's quite a version different here.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MBG Minet phone connection logs
« on: April 04, 2023, 10:17:35 AM »
i should add that info to tugstats... the connection timestamp.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MBG Minet phone connection logs
« on: April 04, 2023, 10:15:53 AM »
doesn't uptime give you what you want?

otherwise... you can grep the logs for that particular connection, 38972, to see it's full history


tugcat | grep " 38972 "
zcat /var/log/tug/tug_*.gz | grep " 38972 "

the first is today's logs, the second will go all the way back as far as the logs go.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MBG Minet phone connection logs
« on: April 03, 2023, 04:25:57 PM »
yes, it is in tug.log...

(which is a symlink to the last tug log file, those are date stamped).

For minet, look for it's mac address.

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5224 IP TO Softphone
« on: February 27, 2023, 08:39:18 AM »
Thats good to know re the 5224, it was my telecoms provider that said a while ago that they would need to be upgraded before moving to newer mitel software, guess they were wrong.

I will keep an eye out for 69 series phones.

Does Mitel have an equivalent basic softphone client to microsip /
x-lite? I see that there is Mitel connect which I downloaded but its asking for a user name and when I look further it looks quite complex when you dont know much about it. What is it you have to do to get it to work, seems you need to create a micloud account, also guessing licenses involved or is there a more basic way to use it?

When booted mine say main ver

no. there's no money to be made and lots to be lost trying to support such a thing that has no real business value.

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5224 IP TO Softphone
« on: February 24, 2023, 09:44:43 AM »
yeah, 52xx phones will still work with latest MiVB s/w. "Supported" and "it works" are two different things.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab VM High CPU usage
« on: February 17, 2023, 10:20:36 AM »
clearly something gone wonky

 7114 ?        SNl  2465:50 python2.7 /usr/vm/python_scripts/

i'm not familiar with that service, i'll ask.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab VM High CPU usage
« on: February 16, 2023, 11:45:10 AM »
what does

 ps fax | grep python


Mitel Software Applications / Re: MiCollab VM High CPU usage
« on: February 16, 2023, 10:57:56 AM »
what does 'top' say in micollab?

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Virtual Machine moves
« on: December 08, 2022, 03:46:36 PM »
indeed.. that's the best way... restore from backup.

if the mac's stay the same, then the network won't need to be configured again. if you start up a vm with different mac's, then msl needs you to run the console again to assign addresses to the interfaces.

I'm sometimes too lazy to do it right and just export and import a VM, but it does require one to reset the amc footprint. All methods do.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Virtual Machine moves
« on: December 08, 2022, 01:31:15 PM »
you'll need to clear the footprint in the amc.

no need to configure mac's, just run the console again (or log into admin in ssh) to re-create the network interfaces.

A1. no, the model won't matter, all the 69xx series support the same capabilities (same s/w under the hood with different h/w drivers)
A2. when connected to MBG, the port and address indicated in the media response from the set is not taken into account, it's noted for use in local streaming but doesn't factor into the decision.

if you have a tug log you can share showing a call between the two, you can PM it to me and I'll take a look.


okay, so the other reasons why local streaming won't work when the network conditions are suitable.

- call recording is enabled (you cannot have local streaming if calls are also being recorded)
- same codec is not used in both call setups.
- both sets do not support the same srtp cipher capabilities.

when the phone registers, it reports it's ip address (which is internal)
the connection ip is also noted.
If 2 phones have the same connection ip, they are considered behind the same NAT and thus *can* local stream to each other.
If one of them is behind a second NAT (double NATTED), then that will not work. We assume that anything behind the NAT facing the internet is internally routable.

So is local streaming not working, ie no or one-way audio, or the calls have media going back to mbg?

damn, that sucks... easiest way would be to upgrade as it preserves the original CA signature.. re-generating the CA will mean having to re-gen tug's server cert and the client will have to re-enroll. no biggie but a PITA if something goes wrong.

well, they are running a 10 year old server...

i'll ask around for the ca re-gen command

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