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Messages - Mikey0

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Ack that's no good, I feel your pain in regards to that, I wonder why they didn't provide that ability.

Additional question. In regards to system monitoring, how do you guys handle that? do you pull history logs every day or so? constantly run a S.A.D connection and check live out put? or do you have a 3rd party system to listen for and notify you of problems? things like a T1 experiencing issues or even gone down?

I'm really curious about this one :)

Thanks for the responses guys, really good feedback and ideas there. DND On I'll be looking for those documents you mentioned, i've been considering creating at least a flow chart of all my routing and applications for a while now yet every time I begin it I let myself become overwhelmed by the thought of just how i'm going to lay it all out in a meaningful fashion.

I have a MiRequest account on the Mitel site I'll log in and look for those settings you provided. Thanks for all the great discussion and input so far guys!

and DND On, much respect for you, but I have another question. Do you by chance know of an easier way to replicate keymaps and Account codes from node to node? Currently I have to manually connect to all 3 sites and add my change into each one, just curious if i'm doing it right or if you might know of an easier way as I can only imagine your pain when having to deal with that.

Thanks for the feedback guys. How can get on that mailing list for updates? My sales reps/engineer didn't seem to know anything about that, and my boss thinks im crazy when I say they tell me there is nothing.... i'd like to not be considered crazy lol.

My day to day I check the History logs on the nodes in the morning, look for anything funny, occasionally check T1 diagnostics, overall it's usually not a pain to deal with. Sadly I have no way to get the systems to notify me if errors occur unless im sitting there watching the live output log from S. A. D.

My company runs an in house call center which is why it's important i keep an eye on my systems everyday. I could probably adopt a schedule backup scheme like you mentioned, and usually I do tend to go with if it aint broke don't fix it lol.

Thanks again for your feedback guys, Can one of you point me in the direction of that mailing list?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Best practices as a telecom administrator
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:13:53 PM »
I'm a newbie admin but i've been dealing with my companies Mitel phone system for a while now. I pose these questions to all of you more seasoned admins and anyone with an opinion. I'm running a 5000 HX in 3 different locations with IP and digital phones.

What are some of your best practices when dealing with day to day phone system administration?
How do you stay on top of the last releases/software versions for your system as i'm told Mitel doesn't have any sort of mailing list to notify about this?
What are some common headaches you guys notice and how do you deal with them?

I look forward to hearing from all of you, hopefully this can be a great discussion.

Introduction and Announcements / Hello!
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:46:32 AM »
Greetings Forum posted and lurkers, I've been lurking a little bit here myself and wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Mike, I am the Telecom admin for my company. Start off inheriting an AXXESS system and we upgraded to a 5000 system a couple years back.

Overall I'm a newbie to the telecom world but I've dealt with some real strange situations in my current position involving the phone system and I've learned a lot. I'm here to help where I can, meet new and interesting people, and ask a few questions and opinions!

Good to meet you all!


Thank you for your reply, I never considered doing that.

I have new information on my issue. Friday when I began looking into this issue I was getting nothing, no audio out at all that I could tell, also when trying to directly dial the Trunk from my desk phone I would receive the message that it was unplugged. I received the same message on a second loop start trunk we had configured to work with another UTI for an additional zone in this same building.

Both loop start ports returned the error of unplugged when i attempted to directly dial them on Friday afternoon. However this morning after trying a butt set in the paging output and using a plain old telephone plugged into the override port on the UTI I was able to hear the pages through the buttset from the override phone, this eliminates the UTI as my point of failure right?

Well I then tried dialing the page zone directly I could hear no page and heard no audio.

Essentially I don't know how i've resolved it, but the loop start trunks are no longer telling me they're unplugged and im getting audio again. I guess any idea who to force a loop start port to reestablish its connection? My guess is it happened when I swapped trunk lines between the 2 UTI's, is it normal for Loop start trunks to have an issue like this?

Greetings. I need help fellow 5000 admins, or ideas.

I have a cross building paging issue that suddenly reared its ugly head and I'm trying to resolve but I can't figure out for the life of me why it stopped working. Here is my configuration below.

1) I'm running a Mitel HX 5000 controller.
2) I have 1 of the loop start ports configured as a loop start trunk
an RJ11 cord from the loop start port on the back of the 5000 out to the Trunk/Page port connection on a Bogen UTI1, Interface switch is set to type as trunk. a 4 wire RJ-11 cord stripped on 1 end using the Red wire into the T Contact and the Green wire into the R contact for the Page Only terminal, The other end of the stripped RJ-11 cord plugs into the FXS/FXO Port on the back of a Multitech MVP 130 VOIP gateway.
3) Ethernet connection on the back of the MVP130 connects to Ethernet and is setup with a static IP.
in the remote building connected via buried Fiber the Ethernet connection connects into another MVP130 from the switch, then the FXS/FXO port has another RJ-11 cable stripped on 1 end for the red and green wires (these cables came with the MVP units btw), with the 2 wires terminated into the TEL input terminals on the back of a Bogen C60 amplifier connected into the Tel Terminals. Which then goes out to 2 speakers in the warehouse.

Speakers and AMP have been tested with a regular Mic and are confirmed working in the remote location. I had the paging working at one point but for some reason which I do not understand, the paging stopped working a few days ago.

I have a sneaky suspicion that there is nothing at all coming out of the Loop start port but I have no way to prove it, I lack the knowledge to hook up a device directly to the loop start port and have it work. I'm relatively new to this, I really need help from some of you more knowledgeable folks, any help would be appreciated!

- Mike

So I frequently get these messages in my message print log, I was curious if someone might be able to shed some light on this and what the effect is.... god knows my can't for some reason. I believe they may be related to random dropped calls my call center is reporting but I have no way of telling without understanding this message... which I don't.

"02:962- 16:26 10-17 *** virtual void pp_device_minet_ip_keyset_base_t::build_device_command_enable_audio_path(pp_length_t&, pp_cmd_data_t*&, ui_audio_path_t, ui_audio_device_t, ui_audio_duplex_t, ui_volume_mode_t, ui_volume_level_t) - audio device not supported for Minet phone!"

Any input would be appreciated.
- Mike

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: external alarm notification
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:23:18 PM »
Sorry for the delay, NTEDave how do you know what's on the list for V 6.0 and how soon are they expecting that out? are you allowed to share your sources? :)

i'll take a look at the Marwatch solution as well.

Thanks again for the feedback guys.
- Mike

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: external alarm notification
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:41:04 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll take a look at Xarios and see what I can find out. and thank you for official word from an instructor in your class.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / external alarm notification
« on: September 25, 2012, 03:48:16 PM »
So I have a predicament, I have a Mitel 5000 and i'm looking for a way to have the system notify me of alarms either through email or text message. i've done some searching on this forum without much success, can anyone offer up a solution?

Thanks for the info Ralph, i'll give it a shot and post back here either way.

I usually receive this error on my 5312 or 5340 IP phones when the port its going back to in the PoE switch isn't configured to be part of the correct VLAN. However Ralphs advice is quite solid as well :).

okay, i'm not as knowledgeable  in this as you guys are, first off Ralph, what do you mean by "make busy".

Blue, what is a "prime-dn"?
Some users use their individual lines to make calls, others just dial 8 for ARS.

If they do not place themselves in DND and say they have to place the customer on hold to talk to a supervisor they can then be offered another call because the outgoing call they placed is not considered an ACD call. They use DND so they can focus on their call backs for customers instead of switching back and fourth

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