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Messages - joshgoldeneagle

Pages: 1 [2]
MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Cannot delete voice mail message
« on: April 30, 2018, 02:03:56 PM »
We have a Mitel 5320e desk phone and were are running MiVoice Office 250 software with an on premises Mitel PBX.

We have a particular user that has a flashing message light.  When we class voice mail and check for messages, there are no new messages.

When we log into the our local Mitel web portal / web console, it says the user has 1 voice mail message.  I click the red 'X' to delete and get this:

"message_delete request failed(1): XCPI query unsuccessful"

See error message screen capture attached.

Interesting that the message shows as from reception perhaps.  I have deleted the entire voice mailbox for this particular user's extension, and created a new mailbox, but that didn't get rid of the voice message or the flashing message lights on the desk phone.  Perhaps I did  not delete the voice mailbox fully or properly.

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