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Messages - dhumes0524

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MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:31:00 AM »
OK I just reached out to them and we will see what happens.  Thank you!!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:24:04 AM »
Well, I have switched my smtp server to {} but unfortunately now I am seeing this error:

Jun 19 10:17:51 KIKO exim[25511]: 1hdbPK-0006dT-NU <= U=root P=local S=96326 T="[0:05] Message for MB 181 from x 181 (Derek H.)"
Jun 19 10:18:14 KIKO exim[25110]: 1hdbMZ-0006Wm-Oy [] Connection timed out

Interesting comment about Mitel needing to ssh and make a change.  My concern there is how to I relay that in a way that makes sense to my reseller so they can relay it to Mitel and find the right person that knows whatever fix needs done.  Do you know any more specifics on what the change is that they had to make to resolve?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:03:50 AM »
I did just find your other post here on similar issue:

Currently my SMTP server is set to  I am going to review your recommendations from the other thread about what SMTP server address to use and we will see if that resolves.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:57:29 AM »
And here is an example of one that worked shortly after the error I posted above:

Jun 19 09:12:51 KIKO exim[21051]: 1hdaOQ-0005TX-SN <= U=root P=local S=74640 T="[0:04] Message for MB 152 from x 181 (Derek H.)"
Jun 19 09:12:55 KIKO exim[21054]: 1hdaOQ-0005TX-SN => R=smarthost T=remote_smtp [] X=TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256 C="250 2.0.0 OK <E1hdaOQ-0005TX-SN@KIKO> []"
Jun 19 09:12:55 KIKO exim[21054]: 1hdaOQ-0005TX-SN Completed

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:54:46 AM »
Got it, thanks.  Here is what I am seeing in my log on a failure message.  (I apologize if I didn't format this correctly for the type of content:)

Jun 18 16:04:00 KIKO exim[30893]: 1hdKKl-00082H-Hf <= U=root P=local S=197390 T="[0:10] Message for MB 152 from x 181"
Jun 18 16:04:08 KIKO exim[30896]: 1hdKKl-00082H-Hf ** R=smarthost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=201658: host []: 530 5.7.57 SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM []
Jun 18 16:04:09 KIKO exim[30900]: 1hdKKu-00082O-Ny <= <> R=1hdKKl-00082H-Hf U=mail P=local S=108146 T="Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender"
Jun 18 16:04:09 KIKO exim[30896]: 1hdKKl-00082H-Hf Completed
Jun 18 16:04:13 KIKO exim[30902]: [1/2] 1hdKKu-00082O-Ny ** R=smarthost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: host []: 554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Cannot submit message. 16.55847:F50B0000, 17.43559:0000000004020000000000000000000000000000, 20.52176:140FD8870600F01FBD070000, 20.50032:140FD8877617401080030400, 0.35180:C2070000, 255.23226:0A00D230, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:0E000000, 255.31418:1F000130, 16.55847:DE000000, 17.43559:00000000E0020000000000000000000000000000, 20.52176:140FD8870600401080030400, 20.50032:140FD887761710103A000000, 0.35180:03000136, 255.23226:1F00AD30, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:32000000, 255.17082:DC040000, 0.27745:44000000, 4.21921:DC040000, 2
Jun 18 16:04:13 KIKO exim[30902]: [2/2] 55.27962:FA000000, 255.1494:49000000, 0.38698:00000000, 0.37692:0C000100, 0.37948:0C000100, 5.33852:00000000534D545000000100, 4.56248:DC040000, 7.40748:010000000000010B0C000100, 7.57132:00000000000000000C000100, 1.63016:32000000
Jun 18 16:04:13 KIKO exim[30902]: 1hdKKu-00082O-Ny Frozen (delivery error message)

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Intermitten vm to email issue
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:17:38 AM »
Did you ever get anywhere with this?  We are kind of experiencing the same thing, but we use Office365.  Intermittently, maybe 1 in 10 times, someone will leave a voicemail, and my user will NOT get an email of the voicemail.  Can't find any reason why.  How do I view the log that you previously referenced?  We are also using Forward & Copy.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:20:09 AM »
Unfortunately I never did get this working and just deployed the phone with a company directory.  Revisiting it is on my list of things to do, but it is towards the bottom.  I will be excited to hear if you are able to figure this one out.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 02:15:53 PM »
Thank you.  Not sure if you are allowed to distribute those documents, but if you are, I would love to have a copy of that.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 02:02:35 PM »
I had optimism when I first opened the file, because the column headers are different than what my MiVO-250 exported.  But, unfortunately, I was still met with the same result when I tried to import.

At this point I am wondering if it would just be easier to find 2.1 SP5 firmware for the UC360 to downgrade to and maybe that would work.

Another question that just popped in my head - I don't have a microSD card inserted into the UC360.  Is that possibly required in order to store contacts?  or should it just use the 2GB of available internal storage?  I haven't seen documented anywhere any notes that indicate a microSD card is required, but at this point I am just grasping for anything.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 01:46:56 PM »
Unfortunately that is exactly the procedure that I am following.

1. Download the .csv files from the Phones section of the MiVO-250.
I am right clicking on the phone and selecting Export Phone to File.  MiVO-250 Version
2. Rename the file to MN_Generic.csv
Correct.  Also tested different CSV version using Save As. in Excel to choose the different variations of CSV, and made sure not to use UTF-8 per 2.1 SP5 UC360 release notes.
3. Create the folder on your USB drive /uc360/backups
Correct.  USB drive tested formatted as FAT32, FAT, and NTFS all separately, in case that was making a difference.
4. Move MN_Generic.csv to the /uc360/backups folder
5. Plug the USB Drive into the UC 360
6. Go to Settings > Advanced > System Settings > Contact Settings
7. Select Populate from CSV file: MiVB, MiVO-250
Already checked.
8. Select Import Contacts from USB
Correct.  Receive same message indicating that 'Contact CSV Files Copied' and then immediately followed up with 'CSV files import failed'
9. Check in Contacts section to see if they populated.
No contacts showing in this section at all.

My only hope left at this point is to find a copy of the admin guide or release notes for UC360 to see if something has changed with this version.

Could you do me a favor?  Take your known working good MN_Generic.csv, modify out the sensitive information to be generic, and then send it to me and I can try using that one to see if it works?  That may at least tell me if it is an issue with the way I am exporting the .CSV.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 09:34:49 AM »
Also my UC360 is actually on which looks to be 2.1 SP7.  I can't find release notes or an admin guide available for this version however to download to verify if the contacts process / format has changed at all in latest release.  There appears to be an admin guide on the Mitel site, but need a Mitel Online login which I don't have. 

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 09:16:39 AM »
Yes, I have tried both that and the MN_XXXXXXX.csv where the XXXX's are the phone Mac address.  Both times I first get the CSV Files Copied message, but then afterwards immediately get the CSV File Import Failed message.  The nature of these messages makes me think it is finding the file OK, but then once trying to process it for import hitting some kind of snag and failing.  For test I am only trying to import one phone.  I have attached my MN_Generic.csv.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 08:51:54 AM »
Just made the column headers match this:










But still I had an error upon attempted import of "CSV Files Import Failed"

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: UC360 Company Directory
« on: January 28, 2019, 08:50:03 AM »
This is the export that I am running, however the Column headers I am getting are slightly different.  These are what I am getting (I am on 6.2 base):


I am wondering if these extra columns are what is causing trouble?  I am going to manually match the columns to the list that you included and see if it makes a difference.  I am not sure if being on 6.2 base version could be causing my export to be different?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: No audio on transferred call
« on: August 31, 2018, 08:51:33 AM »
So my SIP vendor has come back telling me this is what they are seeing on a failed call, as well as what they think I need to do:

"Thanks for your patience while we reviewed your examples.  Support Engineering reviewed the packet captures on the examples and see G711A offered as an available codec after G711U. G711U is accepted, and then your PBX sends another INVITE the same way. This appears as if you are trying to get the call to switch to G711A improperly, however, G711A is not supported. Please have remove the option for G711A and advise if the issue persists."

Given how intermittently this issue occurs, I find it strange to think it due to codec, as wouldn't every call be following the same codec each time we make it? 

I am unfamiliar with how to review what codecs I am using, or how to change them in the Mitel 5000.  Is this something I have access to through DB Programming?

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