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Topics - worcs

Pages: [1]
Dear all,
Has anyone had any luck configuring a Voip provider (Sipgate trunk) on this system. I have tried the Technician guide V7.0, other guides and all permutations I can think of, and it never registers correctly. Also no internet access from any PC connected to the switch ports, port17 or otherwise. I assume they will be related.
V9 software
all 5020 IP phones connected to ports 10, 11,12,15,16 (they work internally fine).
DHCP enabled. 192.168.1 range, Gateway
WAN port connected to my PC LAN, with the PC LAN ADSL router DHCP enabled. Different subnet setting to Mitel unit.

I would like to keep the PC LAN and the Mitel LAN seperate if possible. Just pick up an internet connection for the Mitel unit for the 2 SIP trunks.
Is this a correct connection setup here?.

Any guide documents or pointers/summary setup appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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