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Topics - regexaurus

Pages: [1]
I'm mucking about with a 3300 MX controller, trying to get it to boot. All alarm LEDs are blinking red. Connecting to the maintenance port, I see these critical/fatal errors:

Loading /partition1/Rtc8260...usrFdiskPartLib error: Sector 50016456 contains an invalid MSDOS partition signature 0x55aa.
useFdiskPartParse error
0xf313670 (tBootn/a): dosFsLib.c : ERROR reading the device boot sector

Error loading file0x: errno = 0xf313670c0006 (tBoot): dosFsLib.c : media not formatted or not present.
Can't load boot file!!

See the attached file for a transcript of everything I see on the maintenance port. This repeats ad infinitum. Any suggestions to fix?

Pages: [1]