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Topics - FCcgo

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone!

I am not very familiar with the Mitel 3300, but one of our customers has one and they are having a strange issue, which seems like a DSP issue to me.

Current setup :
Telco SIP -> Sangoma Vega 400G (I manage this) -> ISDN PRI interface on Mitel 3300 (customer/integrator manages this) -> Mitel IP phones (unsure about model number)

The problem is the following :

During inbound and/or outbond calls, sometimes the Mitel users hear some kind of static / white noise replacing the audio briefly (for about 3-5 seconds) and the audio comes back to normal. This is a sharp degradation, not happening gradually.

So far, the Sangoma Vega has been replaced by a new unit, and the problem persists so I would be very surprised if it was indeed the Sangoma. From what I can tell, the RTP coming from telco to Vega is clean, and the customer did not mention that the problem occurs on internal calls so far.

We do have other customer sites where they have a Mitel 3300 and we have the same Sangoma Vega model and firmware, and they do not experience this problem.

Do you have any ideas/suggestions ?

Thanks !

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