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Topics - cmhartel

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Mitel SoftPhone
« on: March 22, 2021, 11:41:50 AM »
I have the Mitel software installed on the company issued laptop. I could (and did) work remotely with relative ease until recently. I moved and the softphone does not work any longer. Literally, the only thing that changed is the location of the laptop and access to wifi. (I was working from a hotel that had wifi access shared amongst all residents. It worked. I'm now in an apartment with my own wifi, with no other users. The softphone no longer works). The company IT has tried re-deploying the software, but that didn't fix it. Mitel wanted to do the same, but I told them it wouldn't work. Is there anything else I should be trying/doing/replacing???

I am at a loss to explain this. If this is not the right location to post, please let me know.

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