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Topics - PaulBag

Pages: [1]
Hi All,

Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I wasn't sure where to post this, in Applications or MiVoice or Mitel Applications as it concerns both. I apologize if it would be better suited elsewhere.

I am struggling to access the MiVoice Business "/server-manager" page remotely through the MBG Web Proxy. I can get the page to load, but when I enter credentials and click login, the page refreshes.

If I am on the local network, and connect to I can connect and login with my credentials without issue. Similarly if I connect to login and select 'Server Manager' it logs me in without issue.

I am using the MBG Remote Proxy service to allow access to the phone system remotely. The MBG domain is "" and this is publicly accessible without issue. I have added another domain to the MBG as per the config guide as "" and pointed it to the Phone System. I have added an alt-name to the lets encrypt certificate and it all resolves correctly.

If I navigate to, I have to authenticate against the Web Proxy and then I am displayed the MiVoice Business Login Page without issue. I can log in here to the System Administrator tools and make changes as normal.

When I try to navigate to I authenticate against the Remote Proxy, and am shown the MiVoice Business Server Manager login page. (It's labelled as MiVoice Business above the login box). If I type my credentials in here, the page just refreshes. Typing the wrong credentials shows an invalid password option.

I have noticed that in the MBG -> Remote Proxy -> Proxy Applications the MiVoice Business application does not specifically state that "/server-manager" is a supported URL. I was wondering if this could be the problem? It does show "/" as a supported URL, I am unsure what that means. In the MiCollab Proxy Applications it does show specifically "/server-manager" is supported.

I am wondering if this is an oversight from Mitel, as "/server-manager" didn't exist on MiVoice Business until MiVB 9.

If anyone can offer any advise on this I would be very grateful, at the moment this is only affecting a couple of sites. But we are looking to mass upgrade a whole bunch of sites to MiVB 9 once we have finished our testing.

In case its relevant we are running:

Mitel Standard Linux:
MiVoice Border Gateway:
MXe-III: (9.1 SP1)

Pages: [1]