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Topics - richieaj84

Pages: [1]
Hi All,

I am currently trying to monitor a hot desk ACD agent using the Open Integration Gateway (OIG). We have the correct Advanced Call Control licenses to be able to retrieve a valid session, identify the object id for the device we are monitoring and then place a monitor object request. When we do a advGetEvent request, we immediately receive the below response (PRIVILEGE_VIOLATION);

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><ns4:advGetEventResponse xmlns:ns4=""><ns4:return result="true"><ns2:errorDescription xmlns:ns2="">Failed to set monitor on object id: **** error: PRIVILEGE_VIOLATION</ns2:errorDescription><ns2:eventType xmlns:ns2="">CALL_EVENT</ns2:eventType><callEvent xmlns="" localCallId="0" callEventTime="1566227877961" objectId="****"><type>MONITOR_FAILED_EVENT</type><callEventAttribute><attributeName>ICP_ID</attributeName><attributeValue>***</attributeValue><attributeType>LONG_INTEGER</attributeType></callEventAttribute></callEvent></ns4:return></ns4:advGetEventResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

We have ensured that the class of service has the following settings HCI/CTI/TAPI Call Control Allowed and HCI/CTI/TAPI Monitor Allowed set to YES. This is is the case for both the COS that is assigned to the Agent and the ACD Path that they are assigned to.

Is anyone aware of another setting which could mean that we are unable to monitor an object and trigger a PRIVILEGE_VIOLATION error?
Any assistance would be greatly received.


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