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Topics - ajarnold

Pages: [1]
Hi guys

I'm new here but I hope you can help me with an issue I've been stuck with for a few weeks.

I've got a 5550 IP switchboard keypad and the software, version When both the keypad and computer are connected to the same Voice VLAN, it all works absolutely fine.

We need to move the computer over to our data VLAN so it can see the domain, get updates, query AD etc. When I move it over, the keypad connection fails. The connection is passing a firewall but we cannot see any traffic being blocked between the two devices. Ping is successful, and we've also opened the the following ports:

Ports: TCP 6900, TCP 7050, TCP 7011, TCP 49500-49599.

The log file on the 5550 IP computer reports:

    javaw                MiDAS                WARN - Design - MiSystem.getImpl()(): Used MiSystemDefault
    javaw                MainApp              5_prependConsoleTime set false. Prepend console app timestamp is off.
    javaw                MainApp              ********* IP Console application started **********
    javaw                MessageServices      5_MsgSrvEvents set false. Message Services Events is off.
    javaw                MessageServices      5_MsgSrvTimerEvents set false. Message Services Timer Events is off.
    javaw                CommServices         CommService is starting up
    javaw                CommServices         class com.mitel.pcconsole.communicationServices.Service MsgConsumer is starting up: MsgQueue contains 0 messages.
    javaw                MessageServices      5_MsgSrvEvents set false. Message Services Events is off.
    javaw                MainApp              5_autoZipLogsOnSignificantEvent set false. Auto zip log file upon significant events is off.
    javaw                MainApp              5_autoZipLogsOnSignificantEvent set false. Auto zip log file upon significant events is off.
    javaw                MainApp              5_autoZipLogsOnSignificantEvent set false. Auto zip log file upon significant events is off.
    javaw                CallHandlingTrace    5_KeybrdMsgTrace set false. Keyboard Message Trace is off.
    javaw                EmergencyCallLog     5_EmerCallLogMsgTrace set false. Emergency Call Log Message Trace is off.
    javaw                CPM                  Starting the PCConsoleState(PCConsole createdPCConsole) constructor.
    javaw                CPM                  Ending the PCConsoleState(PCConsole createdPCConsole) constructor.
    javaw                CallHandlingModel    5_CallHndlgMsgTrace set false. Call Handling Message Trace is off.
    javaw                CallHandlingModel    5_CallHndlgEvents set false. Call Handling Events is off.
    javaw                CallHandlingTrace    CallHandlingStateObjects.txt is absent - Call Handling State Objects is Off
    javaw                Synchronization      SyncManager: initialize()
    javaw                ConnectionManager    ConnectionStateWaitingForDeviceRegistration::enterState: ConnectionStateWaitingForDeviceRegistration
    javaw                UCAUserMessaging     UCAPresenceMonitor instance initialized
    javaw                ICPPhonebook         PhonebookICPScheduler: register PBasedDirectory Assigned Engine:com.mitel.pcconsole.phonebook.model.PhonebookEngi ne@15dd32a
    javaw                GuestServices        5_GstSrvMsgTrace set false. Guest Services Message Trace is off.
    javaw                GuestServices        5_GstSrvEvents set false. Guest Services Events is off.
    javaw                ICPPhonebook         PhonebookICPScheduler: register com.mitel.pcconsole.guestServices.gui.GuestServic esCoordinator Assigned Engine:com.mitel.pcconsole.phonebook.model.PhonebookEngi ne@5a9c5d
    javaw                UCAUserMessaging     Unable to get Idle Time of the PC
    javaw                Directories          DirectoryManager: Handle state change messages. Msg: DirectoryMessage:  Time: Fri Jun 21 14:56:02 BST 2019
    javaw                Directories          new:Count:0
    javaw                Directories          old:Count:0
    javaw                Directories          DirectoryManager: Runtime memory usage after handover. Occupied: 25096848 == total: 29851648 and Maximum: 518979584  Fri Jun 21 14:56:02 BST 2019
    javaw                BLGMGR               FileBasedBLF: createCompanyBLFList request delayed.
    javaw                CommControlChan      CommService::startupControl() is starting up
    javaw                MiDAS                INFO - Design - MiNetService.MiNetService(): Instantiated
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:58
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:58
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                UCAUserMessaging     UCAPresenceMonitor::disconnectedEvent

Shortly after, the following appears

    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:56
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      Unable to bind to XA Servant.
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      Can't connect to ExApp
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:56
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      IP_CONSOLE_CLIENT: Bind Failed
    javaw                ConnectionManager    The TKB has failed to connect to or has lost connection with the IP console application.
    javaw                CommControlChan      CommService.shutdownControl() is shutting down
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:56
    javaw                CommControlChan      CommService::startupControl() is starting up
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      Unable to bind to XA Servant.
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      Can't connect to ExApp
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     Addr:, RTT:2 ms, TTL:56
    javaw                Win32ServicesJNI     pingHost returned true
    javaw                DataServicesJNI      IP_CONSOLE_CLIENT: Bind Failed

I'm just wondering if i've missed any ports or anything else? I'm not really sure how to fix this.

I wanted to put an any to any rule in on the firewall rule between the devices to see if that works, but my company has refused this.  :(

Any help would be most appreciated.

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