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Topics - carnotlife

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Pulled brand new 6930 out of the box [Rev B12(10.9)] and hooked it up to my VOIP network. It got an IP address but failed to download the firmware update (currently running with the error "Upgrade main not required (incompatible version)". It should pull my latest firmware from the MiVB ( but it's not having it. I pulled another new 6930 from the shelf (with the same initial firmware) and it downloaded and upgraded the firmware without any issues.

Question is what do I do with the failed one (other than go 'Office Space' on it)? I saw references to manual firmware upgrade procedures but can't find any documentation in the manuals on how to get the firmware and then details on how to load it? I did reset the phone to factory defaults without any change.

Happy to do the work if you can point me to a document with reasonable instructions.


Not much experience with phone systems and trying to figure this out so I can try to get it fixed. I have a 3300 with NuPoint VM.

Calls come in through SIP to a DID (1010). There is a call flow and mailbox associated with that extension. While the system is in day mode that extension is monitored by reception or runs the associated call flow. The call flow provides a menu that allows the caller to dial by name, leave a message in a general mailbox or dial by extension and do a blind transfer to the gathered digits. This all works flawlessly and I can leave a voicemail at the blind transfer extension

During night1 the extension is Rerouted to a NameTag type Hunt Group (1013) which has no members. The Hunt Group isn't associated with a nupoint mailbox and has no call flow associated with it. That Hunt Group is Rerouted to Voice Mail (7000) for day and night modes. The Call Flow that actually runs associated with this Hunt Group (during night1) is in mailbox 1012???. That call flow provides a menu that allows the caller to dial by name, leave a message in a general mailbox or dial by extension and then do a blind transfer to the gathered digits. This all works with the exception of being able to leave a voicemail at the blind transfer extension. After ringing to the extension, the caller is kicked back into the top of the call flow (1012).

Here's what I don't understand:
How does the Hunt Group (1013) get forwarded to the mailbox (1012).
Are there any options for doing this easier? It seems really complex for what it's doing.

I've looked at the call forward and call recall settings and they don't make any difference. I tried adjusting the Rerouting to cut out the hunt group and then I only get the day message (which also doesn't make any sense).

I've searched the forums here but so far have been unable to find a topic that answers my questions.

I realize this is a complicated issue but would appreciate any insight that can be offered.

My local support people have left this issue outstanding for quite some time and I need to get it resolved.


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