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Topics - lgionut

Pages: [1]
Good day all, Please advice if there is a digital cordless phone model compatible with digital line on MITEL SX-2000 PBX Telephone System. Thank you.

Good day,

I am very familiar with the Philips Sopho and now I am facing a challenge on a MITEL SX2000.

First challenge is that I have to create a group of numbers to ring in the same time. In this group there is a analog line 9801 and a digital line 9803. The idea is that when the 9803 rings it must ring also the analog line 9801, but the 9801 when will dial somewere to still keep the 9801 number.

Second challenge is that I have to modify the 9801 digital line to analog line in order to use an ordinary cordless phone... :o

I highly appreciate your help on this.

Thank you in advance.

Pages: [1]