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Topics - ipintbr

Pages: [1]
Hello Experts,

We have been having issues with our IP Phones for the past few weeks.
Basically whenever we try to call from inside to outside (mobile phones etc.) the person from internal is unable to hear the person he/she called but the one on the outside can hear the person on the other line.
Ive read some article and different forums that issue could be on a routing side such asymmetric routing etc. but i have to say that i have already verified each and every hops and even did a packet capture to further validate but it seems to me that here is no issue in terms of routing portion.

As for the other option ive seen some article from mitel that Mitel Controller is unable to handle ICMP redirects hence, i requested our Telco to disable on their side. i am still waiting for their availability if that would work. I have attached the network diagram to further illustrate our setup

Basically there are some IP Phones that are working which is sitting on an L2 environment but ultimately, our main objective is to let them pass through our VPLS cloud which is experiencing 1 way audio now when calling someone from outside.

Kindly note that i am not hat familiar to voice technologies as i am more on a data side.
Appreciate if you could share your inputs as to where to look at this issue

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