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Topics - Jack

Pages: [1]
I have a remote user that gets the following error messages after every call:

"There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install and email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."

"Automatic Diagnostics E-mail failed: Could not access the default e-mail client. Please check your Internet Options in the control panel to make sure a functional default e-mail client is available, and then restart the 8602 application. [-2147467259]"

I know I can attempt to solve this by setting up an email client on her home computer, but I would rather change a setting somewhere to disable the sending of these Automatic Diagnostic E-mail unless I find it necessary.  I've read the 8602 User Guide and poked around the settings in the Mitel System Administration and Diagnostics but I have been unable to locate a setting that controls this.  The closest I've come is a flag labeled "Audio Diagnostics" but that didn't do it.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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