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Topics - cevvel

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I am trying integrate Mitel 3300 with Nupoint voice mail and I am stuck in half way and do not know how to proceed ahead. 

I have done the following so far and looking for help further on:

On Mitel 3300:
1.   Under License and Options – Extended hunt group is set to YES
2.   Under System Feature Settings – configured Registration access code as *** and Replacement access code as ###
3.   Under CoS - Created separate CoS for incoming & outgoing Nupoint ports having enabled COV/ONS/E&M Voice Mail Port, HCI/CTI/TAPI Call Control Allowed, HCI/CTI/TAPI Monitor Allowed, Public Network Access via DPNSS, and Do Not Disturb Permanent
4.   Under Multiline IP Sets - Created IP end points (either as 5020 or 5240) (believe these will be useds as ports by NuPoint?)
5.   Under Hunt Groups – Created a hunt group with hunt group type as Voice Mail
6.   Then, when I try to add the IP end point created as the Hunt Group Member, I am not able to do that. When I enter the member and click Save. The dialog window disappears and I do not see it gets saved.

On MiCollab:
1.   Under Users and Services – added Network Element with Type as Mitel 3300 ICP, with IP as Mitel 3300 ICP IP, with Registration/Replacement code as *** and ### respectively, with COS created for Incoming Nupoint ports in Mitel 3300, with Call Forward Destination number as Hunt Group created in Mitel 3300
2.   Under Users – Created user with Authentication details
3.   Under Phones – Clicked Add new Phone. Selected Phone Type as Mitel 3300 ICP Phone, Device Type as 5020/5240 and Number as the Hunt Group member (the same IP end point created in Mitel 3300) but I got error saying “Your request cannot be complete…” and if I check “Details” I find ICP Error: Phone already programmed on ICP.
4.   Under Offline configuration – I can see Mitel NuPoint Messaging with IP details under Network Elements. I tried to add line group with Line group number 1, Name as “Voice Mail”, Application as NuPoint Voice, User Interface as NuPoint Voice. And then, tried to add Line Dialogue, but I do not find any option under PBX drop down.
5.   Also if go into Nupoint webconsole and view “Offline configuration” I do not see any ICP IP address (however by the above error I could see Micollab is talking to Mitel 300 ICP since it is throwing error like phone already programmed on ICP)

As you can see I am stuck and not sure how to proceed further on both Mitel 3300 and MiCollab. I am sure I am missing something but could not figure out what. Any help for me is really appreciated!!

I am trying to execute the following call scenario and found that interflow dialing does not work. Please let me know what I have to do to make it work. I do need another clarification as to whether it is possible to program 0 in the interflow dialing list (as the below test case requirement says)? I could only enter anything greater than 0.

Call Scneario:
1. Ensure no other agents are logged into queue and a PSTN number (ABC) is programmed for zero in the interflow dialing list
2. Log one ACD agent into an ACD queue. Set ‘Make Busy” to ensure calls will remain in queue to receive RAD/MOF treatments.
3. Call from another PSTN number (XYZ) to Mitel ACD Path
4. PSTN (XYZ) should hear RADS then MOH. Depending how long the caller is in queue, they should hear multiple RAD messages.
5. Press zero from the remote DUT.
6. PSTN (ABC) should ring. Answer call.

I tried this configuration in ACD path: “Release Digit Receiver After Recording” set to yes for Recording 1, Path interflow dialing list for recording 1 as 1, Interflow enabled YES, Interflow Point Directory Number as PSTN (ABC). When I execute the scenario, I always see recording keeps playing unless Interflow timeout happens (if specified) and pressing 1 does not make PSTN (ABC) ringing.

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