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Topics - mcarpani

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Mitel 5000 unit that has been working well for a while all of a sudden one of the extensions just rings and never forwards to users vm. We have checked the forwarding paths, I have looked everywhere in the DB Programming by comparing the flags to a good ext and they are all the same with system forwarding set to yes.
I have also looked at the forwarding options and verified against a good path. I even deleted the ext and re created it by copying a known good ext. I have also re created the users mailbox and copied again from a working mbox.
I thought maybe the user entered a feature code on accident so I reset the handset to factory and re assigned to the ext.

It just will not forward to vmail, can someone help me out with anything I might have looked over?

We have had a vendor installed Mitel 5000 for about 5 years now, it has worked fine for the most part. All of a sudden one day the controller and phones  rebooted on their own and when the phones came back up they had the dreaded "applications loading" stuck on the screens and the vmail to email also stopped working. Vendor came onsite for about a month and does have the "applications loading" issue resolved but cannot get the vmail to email back. We are and have been using a specific gmail account for this and we have checked the security settings in gmail, tried 587 and 465 for smtp, now this account does work when we use it on a copier in our network for the scan to email option.
Vendor also upgraded the software, they found a bad sector on the flash media and corrected that as well but nothing seems to fix the vmail to email settings.
Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I have exhausted my efforts. Again the gmail account works with a copier on our network for scan to email but it will not work with the Mitel box.

I am in need of some direction on how to change the number of rings for calls coming in from the outside. We are able to successfully control the number of rings from internal extensions under system timers but I cannot find where to change the number of rings from calls made from the outside. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

We have a Mitel 5000 PBX that was installed by a local ISP close to 2 years ago now. This installation includes a remote user with a Mitel 5320 IP Phone that is on a DSL line from the same service provider and has been working perfectly since the install with a few minor issues during initial setup. Around the first of the month the ISP has an major outage in the Central IL area that included long distance and some DSL lines in our area and ever since that remote 5320 displays a constant "communication error", you can still dial out if you just dial the number you want to call and sound quality is fine it just refuses to load the phone menu and displays the error.

We have moved that 5320 to two other existing DSL lines and the phone works as it should, also if we force the ISP's DSL modem at the troubled location to pickup a different Public IP the phone will work just fine as well but as soon as that DSL Modem gets the Public IP that is assigned to that DSL line the phone goes back to the error state.

I believe we have ruled out the phone itself, the DSL modem,  our content filter/firewall and basically everything other than the assigned public IP, I believe that possibly the ISP might have closed a port that should remain open for this system to function properly? Can anyone else help with my troubleshooting here, any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to give as much detail as I could on what we have done to help isolate the issue. Great forum, I have learned a lot from here already.

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