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Topics - merlin02131

Pages: [1]
Hey eveyrone

does anyone have a set up doc for twinning or can you point me to somewhere that explains twinning and how to set it up ? Having a heck of a time trying to grasp it and understand  it as the manuals are not really good in explanation details

Problem I have is that  it stopped working and when the cell rings you cannot connect by selecting the incoming call as it does nto connect ( it does nothing ) .

Thanks in advance !



Mitel Software Applications / How to review logs for UCA
« on: July 25, 2014, 09:32:04 AM »

I have a couple of issues with UCA , one being UCA was unable to dial number and another one No more free lines available for ext 9368

Anyone ever hear of these issues or know how to enable or review the logs on the UCA , If possible ?

Driving me nuts trying to find info on anything with UCA

ANY help would be appreciated



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