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Topics - haucke

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I have an endpoint that has the Call 1 (line 1) light blinking and all incoming calls go to line 2.  It acts like there is a call on hold there but we cannot clear it.  Any ideas?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / CallerID issue
« on: February 11, 2014, 02:43:05 PM »
We just changed carriers.  We have a Mitel 5000 at each office.  Our new Carrier lines will not allow our 5000 to send CallerID info out unless that number is associated with the main line for that 5000 unit.  I have programmed the CallerID for the CO Trunks as well as each extension and when someone forwards their phone to their mobile the Main (CO Trunk) ID shows.  I assume this is because the 5000 is placing the call... but it places the call.  The problem I am running into is that when another office calls their extension the call does not go out and they get (as they call it) dead air.  My assumption is that apparently when another 5000 originates the call via extension the Destination 5000 unit is using the CallerID from the originating 5000 and not it's own?  Can I alter this behavior? Can I prove this is happening?

fyi I believe our old line would allow us to provide a caller id and if we did not it would add our main number as the CallerID.  With new carrier it is all or nothing.

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