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Topics - mrmo

Pages: [1]
Is it possible to hide an internal number and its name in the directory?
Currently left the decription to blank and populated the username in the phones section.
However I dont want the name or number to be visible in the directory if users scroll through all internal numbers.
thanks in advance

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / questing regarding incoming DID Names
« on: January 10, 2014, 04:58:39 PM »
Hi there
Quick question about incoming DID name on an E1 link on a 5000 running 6.0 software.

We have a scenario where multiple DIDs ring one group .
The DID names show as Company 1 and Company 2 etc
How can users proactively select the call they want to answer in the event of company 1 and company 2 calls coming in at roughly the same time.
for example it may be more important to answer company 2 calls first.
Is this possible?
Should we have multiple hunt groups ?
Does hunt group priority work?

Thank you in advance

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