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Topics - Homer

Pages: [1]
MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / 5330 reboot's evry 12 hours almost exactly.
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:30:27 PM »

My mitel 5330 phone reboots every 12 hours almost on the spot. 12 hours being since the phone was powered on. It looks to be doing a firmware check or something and then during or at the end of that check it reboots. I see ICMP TTL expired's right before the reboots too.

What ive done..

1. made a sniff to describe the above
2. plugged the phone into another isp (friends house)
   2a. it didn't reboot. so I know its my isp or my network
3. replaced the phone with another, same thing (further confirming my isp or home network)


Could it be my ISP? My Netgear router? I'll go see if disabling echo blocking stuff is ok, but I can ping anything I want from any machine on my network and get responses just fine. Doesn't that show icmp outbound works?


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