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Topics - MCiccarone

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / UCA 5.1
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:06:03 PM »
I recently upgraded to software version 5.1 on my MAS server and upgraded my UCA client to v 5.1.27.  It appears that this version of the UCA client doesn't read the Outlook calendar very well.  Appointments that I have marked as busy make UCA status change to out of the office instead of in a meeting.  I've checked my configuration in the client.  Busy is set to change status to in a meeting not out of the office.

So after messing around for hours trying to figure out what's going on, I uninstalled my UCA client and went back to version 5.0.22 and the dynamic status works correctly.  Appointments marked as busy cause the UCA status to change to in a meeting and then revert back to the previous status after the appointment ends.

I'm running MS Outlook 2007 (not connected to exchange server).  Anyone else having this issue with dynamic status on 5.1.27?  I've got about 40 users who I've had to have disable Outlook Calendar Integration because UCA isn't reading their calendars correctly.

Any help or advise is greatly appreciated.

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