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Topics - sunspark

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Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / connection by RAW port 2002
« on: April 30, 2018, 08:23:32 AM »
Hi ,

I'm not able to connect using Raw port 2002 = connection closed by remot host / network error : connection refused.

any idea ?


Mitel Software Applications / AWV with single ip adress
« on: April 05, 2018, 08:35:50 AM »
Hi ,

i am trying to set up AWV for the first time. I have read through the Mitels docs and have found several docs but I can't find a good guide step by step.

I run the last Micollab + Mbg release :

Micollab in lan mode

Mbg 1 in dmz 1
Mbg 2 in dmz 2

Any help will be aprreciated.

Mitel Software Applications / Micollab for mobile
« on: April 05, 2018, 06:07:35 AM »
Hi guys ,

I have Micollab in lan mode with two Mbg in Dmz.

Micollab :in the last release and Mbg in the last release

 when the micollab run in background i can't receive calls .

Any idea ?


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Se Tool
« on: March 20, 2018, 12:35:35 PM »
Hi ,

I' dont find the SE_Tool in the new softwoare download center , any idea ?


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / 6920 + wirless headset
« on: March 20, 2018, 10:25:14 AM »
hi ,
Does any one recommend or know a Wireless handset for 6920 phone with the possibility to answer call with the headset button .

Mitel Software Applications / two way audio
« on: February 23, 2018, 08:07:28 AM »
hi Folks ,

I have a weird and random behavior.
from time to time my agents has no voice (in both directions).

in the voice quality when I have the problem, the Far End IP Address is a instead of the telco trunk sip address. also I receive 0 packet.

Any idea of how can i analyze the issue? I can't know when I'm going to have a communication without voice, and I'm not running a continuous tcpdump sip

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / two headset with one phone 69xx
« on: February 15, 2018, 09:01:37 AM »
Hi guys ,

Do you think it's possible to use two headset withe the same phone (69xx).

i have agent + supervisor ,

The supervisor want to plug the second headset in jabra adaptator to listen to the communication. it work like that with old nexpan system.

I proposed silent monitoring , but he prefer to move the agent office  ....

I use the same installation with 6920 phone  : when i'm in communication with the first headest , if i plug the second headset , i have voice in the second headset not both.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Mivoice in cluster
« on: February 13, 2018, 03:32:29 AM »
Hi folks ;

I have 400 nodes in network elements , with multiple cluster.

i dont know if there is a command line who allow to know if pbx XXX is a member of a cluster.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Phone Factory reset 69xx
« on: February 09, 2018, 10:31:21 AM »
Hi folks ,

To reset 69xx phones a use parameter --> advance --> factory reset .

but after reboot , the phone keep the DN

Any idea ?

Hello fellow,

Do you know if it's possible to auto-dial a number just by pickup the handset ? it's for emergency calls .

It's like Call Coverage Service  but in the opposite sense.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Call forward disable
« on: January 30, 2018, 11:57:57 AM »
Hi ,

I have a user who forward DN to mobile when he work at home. So he activates the call forward before leaving the office ( the day before).

But the next day , the call forward is disabled .

When i look into the call forwarding profile it set to OFF.

How it is possible ?

The user have also Micollab client for mobile --> state in office --> Deskphone + softphone checked.

how the forward is disactivated ?


Mitel Software Applications / Micollab client for mobile
« on: January 30, 2018, 09:42:34 AM »
Hi guys,

I have some issues with micollab client for mobile android + iPhone

Micollab client in lan mode
Mbg 1 in dmz1
Mbg 2 in dmz 2

Micollab Mbg + mbg1 + mbg2 in a cluster.

When i open the application it works , but when i switch to another application or i let the application in the background after 1 minute

, Softphone shows "Registration lost" 

I have to leave the application or OFF/On ,  then open it back to make it works

Micollab client V8
Micollab server in V7.3

I'm not sure if i upgrade the server to the last version 8 . it will resolve this case.

If someone have the same issue , or if some one can  give me the android apk in V7 to test . i will appreciate.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Business schedulers
« on: January 25, 2018, 01:03:15 PM »
Hi guys.

Do u think it s possible to use phone from 9 to 12 am then switch automatically with business scheduler to another Class of restriction?

Mitel Software Applications / AWC email
« on: January 25, 2018, 07:09:50 AM »
Hi ,

It is possible to customize the Conferencing email ?

I want to have the interntal/external numero to join the conf , and the code.

It's possible to do it for Micollab client deployement.

Mitel Software Applications / AWC audio ports
« on: January 25, 2018, 07:03:44 AM »
Hi ,

I have 60 audio port on AWC.

to use this ports i have to create 60 sip generic phones.

It is possible to use 5020 ip phone ( no license) like for voicemail ports instead of genric phones ?

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