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Topics - VinceWhirlwind

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Mitel Software Applications / NuPoint fax to email
« on: November 24, 2016, 07:11:15 PM »
I wonder if anybody has a link to a documented procedure for setting this up?
I've got NuPoint to the point where it answers the incoming fax call and I can see the Mailbox statistics incrementing by one with each fax I send.
-- This means I've successfully enabled the correct FCOS option, (despite me having huge problems interpreting the rambling help file info)
But it won't send it to an email address.
Are there any additional COS options that could be relevant to the email aspect of this?
Does anybody have any advice on getting the received fax to go to the email address?

Mitel Software Applications / MiCC Marquee
« on: November 14, 2016, 11:23:35 PM »

1. In CCC, I can create a Marquee. In YSE I can see something called "Wallboarder".
Are these two things in any way related? Why would you use one in preference to the other? I am reluctant to fiddle with "Wallboarder" because I don't know where it goes - anyone know how you use this?
2. If I've created a Marquee in CCC, my Marquee seems to be only visible to me. How do I copy the same Marquee so other users don't have duplicate the effort to create their own? Can I create a shared Marquee?

Say I have my extension is 1111
Say I have a 2nd line 1112
Say I have a Secondary phone 1*111
Is there a way to issue a call forward from my handset to the 1112 line?
I am thinking
Call Forward Always, 1112 --> 1*111
*64 (?) ...(?)

Mitel Software Applications / Setting up twinning
« on: October 26, 2016, 07:00:13 PM »
I have a user template which includes a "Secondary Phone" with "Derive DN" ticked.
For MiCollab client users, they can use their desktop client, via "Manage Account", to assign their choice of number against this provisioned Secondary Phone.
I have Skype for Business but not with the MiCollab plugin. If I had the MiCollab plugin, can the user use the Skype for Business desktop client to twin their mobile in a similar way? I see under "Options" and "Phones" it looks like this is where it would be done, if it can be done...?

I've looked through CoS options and can't see anything relating to enabling this.
My handset doesn't display any call duration timer, but some other people tell me they get a call duration in whole minutes.

I'm sure somebody once described to me the general procedure for doing this, but I never got to implement it and I've forgotten.
The scenario is I have 1 controller, and the extensions programmed on it are in various offices, some of them in different states.
So the people in one state are going to dial "0" to get an outside line, and if they are dialling a local number, they will just dial 8 digits.
People in a different state will do the same. There is no way to use ARS digits dialled to tell the difference, because you can't tell without the area code where the number is meant to be.

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab + PC Connectivity
« on: September 15, 2016, 03:13:35 AM »
In your MiCollab Client, if you go to "Manage Account", you can click on the little gear symbol and get a "Phone Connection" window which allows you to "connect" MiCollab to the phone which gives you a kind of GUI for configuring your phone keys.
Some time ago, all the people who used this functionality (which isn't a large proportion of the users) say they all lost it and it no longer connects.
I'm thinking of the first two obvious things:
1/ We upgraded all controllers to v7.2, but the MiCollab is still on v6
2/ The Windows guys are always changing stuff on the desktops, not to mention Windows updates, so maybe it is a changed security setting?
Before I try flicking this to the Windows guys, does anybody think 1/ could be the problem? Or something else?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Call Forward Always on a schedule
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:46:34 AM »
Is there any way to schedule Call Forward Always configs?
The scenario is - There is a 24-hour hotline. Staff will take it in turn to take these calls for a week.
So the obvious answer is to make the hotline a physical handset, and give everybody instructions to use the handset to change the Call Forward Always every Monday morning to the next person on the list.
It would be nice if we could use a calendar somehow to enter each staff member's name against a future date and then it could change the CFA all by itself every Monday morning.
I can't think of a way to do this in MiCollab using integrated Outlook calendar.
The controller has a calendar, but it only has some in-built options like doing backups or software updates - is there a way to get it to run a script, and to have a script that changes an extension's CFA?

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab Softphone
« on: September 08, 2016, 01:58:59 AM »
In MiCollab Client Server, under the Accounts, you have "Softphone" as a feature, depending on whether the user belongs to as profile that has the feature.
In MiCollab Server, under MiCollab Client, there is a "Softphone Extension" field, which is a drop-down box similar to how you assign a Mailbox, but for me this field has no options for population. When I create a new "phone", softphone is not an option, and the new phone always appears as an available option under "deskphone" not "softphone".
This is where I would expect the I&M Guide should include the relevant info, but I can't see it there.
Anybody know the answer to this?

I bet this is a really basic question with a really simple answer....
Say I have extension 1234.
Externally, it is rung with 02 9876 1234
Internally, just 1234
Say somebody internal dials the full number 0298761234 - it's going to get routed out to the carrier, then come back in.
There are 3 reasons this is undesirable:
1/ it gets charged
2/ it uses up a port (even if only briefly?)
3/ the recipient doesn't get the caller's name pop up on their screen (or vice versa).
How do I fix this?
Do I use the ARS digits dialled form?
(Assuming i have all 100 numbers in 9876 1200-1299)
02987612 followed by 2 --> ? (Where do I route it to if I do that...?)

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab Client "Send Problem Report"
« on: August 25, 2016, 10:17:35 PM »
How do I view a "feedback" log, created by the "Send Problem Report" on the user's MiCollab Client?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Call Forward Always and then Voicemail
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:03:51 AM »
So, I've got ext. 1100, he's set himself up to Call Forward Always to ext.1200
When 1200 is Busy/No Answer, it goes to the Voicemail huntgroup which answers it and sees that it was a call for 1100 and goes to VMailbox1100
What do I have to do so that calls for 1100 that were forwarded to 1200 , if they then go to voicemail, they go to VMBox 1200?

In MiCollab Client > Configuration > Call Notification, I have my deskphone and the two other phones that I have twinned to it (via my MDUG).
How do I get another extension in here, the extension of a colleague for example?

I've got an old controller - I can't remember exactly which version software it had on it, but it was upgraded to v7.2.
Now, in AMC, there is a button appearing against that ARID, which says, "Perform Baseline Conversion" - if I click on this button, what actually happens?
I guess the biggest question is - is it going to break something?
The customer bought new UCCv4 licences and a MiCollab, so I think their licensing is going to be OK in the long run.

Mitel Software Applications / Non-user company numbers into MiCollab
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:07:53 AM »
I wonder how other people have dealt with this:
I have a bunch of users, they have MiCollab, and when they want to ring each other, they can just click in MiCollab. They think it's great.
Now, I have an IT Support team who can be reached via a ring group on 1111.
My users complained, saying, "We can't see 1111 in the MiCollab directory".
So, I added it in so it was visible in MiCollab.
(Question #1: what is the best way to add a ring group to the corporate directory so it appears in MiCollab?)
Straightaway, the users complained: "I can see 1111 in MiCollab now, but it's greyed-out, what's wrong with it?".
I found that if I add 1111 as a user to MiCollab and enable MiCollab client for it, linked to its extension, then it was dialable via MiCollab, but still greyed-out.
(Question#2: How do I make it go green?)

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