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Topics - lundah

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Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab IDS sync locks AD account
« on: February 27, 2021, 10:48:11 AM »
Trying to enable IDS synch with our MiCollab system, and when I synch up my own account as a test, my AD account gets locked out within 5 minutes of updating my record from the detained queue in MiCollab USP. Any ideas which log files I need to look at to chase this down? I've opened a ticket with Mitel but haven't been able to get any useful information from them.

Having issues with a system and looking for some feedback. Have a MiCollab running in server/gateway, MBG version running on it, and having issues with outbound calls to NexVortex. The MBG is not populating the Contact field of the SIP Invite messages with the IP address of the MBG, so NexVortex having trouble processing the calls. Outgoing calls from desk phones (all in Teleworker mode, this system is hosted in our DC with phones at 8 sites around town) have a 10 second pause before they are connected. Any calls that are re-routed or forwarded to external numbers (there's hundreds like this as most of their users are mobile) fail completely. I've got a ticket open with Mitel sitting with design, but I need to find a fix ASAP as it's obviously disruptive to the customer's business.

I have another customer in the same DC, using the same carrier, that's one release back (MiCollab w/ MBG, that's working fine. My thought was to stand up a standalone MBG on, point my outbound SIP calls to that, and see what happens. My issue with this is if that actually works, I'll have to cluster it in so I can use the existing MBG trunk licenses, and mixing MBG releases in a cluster is always something to avoid. I don't really see what other choice I have, besides begging Mitel for some licensing since their broken product created the mess to begin with.

Anyone have a good method of preventing users from sending calls to their own DID in MiCollab? This is the single biggest issue I have with new installs. Invariably, some user will set up their MiCollab status to send their calls to their own DID number, and wonder why they no longer get calls.

Have a MiVO 250 v with CSM and Oaisys 8.1 connected. On 2 of the extensions, Oaisys throws a "No VoIP packets detected for station nnn" error when the call should be recorded. When I set the Oaisys port to look for the phone IP instead of the MAC address, those 2 extensions will record. 18 other stations record based on the MAC address just fine. Phones are all connected to the same L3 switch as the MiVO 250 and Oaisys server. What am I missing here?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Multicast paging 6900 series sets
« on: November 21, 2020, 06:29:14 PM »
Has anyone set up multicast paging on the 6900 series sets yet, either with Revolution or another multicast server? I have a new install where I'm already installing an Algo 8301 as a page controller, trying to also use it as a multicast server so the site can page over the PA system and phones at the same time.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Night mode stops working
« on: October 29, 2020, 09:52:40 PM »
I'm a little new to the MiVO 250, I'm a longtime SX-2000/3300/MiVB guy who moved into a role at an MSP that has fair number of MiVO 250's out there. We have one customer with a system running 6.1.4.something, about every 6-8 weeks for the last 6 months or so, the system stops switching to night mode as scheduled and requires a major reset to get it working again. Of course they don't have active SWA, so I can't go to product support, anyone have a clue what the issue might be? Hardware or software? Is there any way to set up a monthly reboot to try to head off the issue?

I should know this, but does anyone know if it's possible to set 5320/5330's in Teleworker mode and assign the MBG IP address via DHCP options, or do we have to manually set it at each phone?

I've done a couple of upgrades from 8.0/8.1 releases to 9.1 that have dropped Business Schedule fields from Call Rerouting. A straight backup/restore on seems ok. Before I open a support ticket and they think I'm crazy, anyone else noticed this? DR Logfile is clean.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / EX Controller
« on: August 14, 2020, 06:04:18 PM »
Just a tip to save someone else the hours of frustration I went through:

When you fire up an EX controller, be sure to update the ExPlatform blade in MSL to ensure the EX chassis has the latest firmware on it.

Anyone have a good way (aside from public shaming or other unsavory methods) to keep users from forwarding their extension to their own DID in MiCollab client?

So I've got a handful of customers with a littany of problems with MiCollab mobile client. Users that randomly can no longer register their softphone, softphones that fail to notify on incoming calls, issues with Bluetooth connections, you name it. Anyone got tips on troubleshooting these things? It seems I spend way too much time troubleshooting individual users.

Trying to set up calendar integration on a MiVB-X release with Office365. MiCollab account can pull free/busy stated, but uc_server/cim.log shows errors like:
2020-05-20 14:09:55,212 ERROR [CRTL] (Thread-294) CalEventDetails tag not found in poll response. Check mailbox permissions for the polled user ands polling account.

Users also see "Failed" when trying to enter their credentials in the Calendar Integration settings and are unable to enable Set Advisory. MFA is enabled on O365. I can find nothing documenting what permissions the MiCollab account needs to be able to view the users' calendar details properly. Anyone know what I'm missing?

Mitel Software Applications / MiCollab Client home template?
« on: April 14, 2020, 06:32:05 PM »
Anyone know if it's possible to template a Home screen config for NexGen MiCollab clients? Or even just copy between users somehow?

Mitel Software Applications / Just when I thought I'd seen it all...
« on: April 06, 2020, 06:57:49 PM »
26 years in this business, 16 working on Mitel systems. Customer I cut over to a MiVB a couple weeks ago reports they can't launch ad-hoc meetings from MiCollab. I still have the test account in the system from the cutover, test it, works fine. Do a screenshare with the user, sure enough, doesn't work for him. I do some digging in KMS, find a doc suggesting looking in some logs to verify some server settings. Server settings are fine, but I do find errors in the /server/jboss.log in the MiCollab feedback diag package that interest me. User's last name is O'Neill, and I notice the errors have the username encapsulated in a set of '. So, just for grins, I remove the ' from the users' last name. Works like a champ. After taking a minute to bang my head against the wall, I submit a ticket to tech support, which immediately gets escalated to design.

Mitel Software Applications / Cloudlink MiTeam setup
« on: March 14, 2020, 10:37:57 AM »
Trying to enable Cloudlink MiTeam on our internal MiCollab. We ordered the licenses, and when I go into the Cloudlink Accounts Console I see the order but can't assign it to our account. However, when I go in to view our account, I see the MiTeam Meetings order listed. I can't for the life of me find contact info for any support resources to troubleshoot this. Anyone have any experience with this, or know how to get to Cloudlink support?

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