« on: November 22, 2019, 04:37:23 PM »
Inherited a 3300 on Release 8.0 PR3
Working on ensuring e911 is functioning correctly.
- I've set up all our CESID data with our provider, made manual CESID number assignments to each of our extensions, and set a Default CESID.
- In ARS Digits Dialed we have "911" Termination type as "Route" pointing to an ARS Route with a SIP Peer Profile and a Route Type of Emergency
When we test calling 911 they receive different information than what we have set up with our provider and set as CESID data in the 3300. I assume what they get is our default billing number and address with our provider.
In "CESID Logs" there are not any entries and I would expect the 911 call to be logged there.
So it appears when we dial 911 the 3300 is not treating like an emergency call. I'm not sure if it might be taking a different route or what is happening exactly.
We do also have a Hunt Group with a Hunt Group Type of Emergency but I'm not sure how this comes into play as the ARS Route is sending it to a SIP Peer Profile.
The SIP Peer Profile routes the call to an ADTran and then out to our provider.
Thank you!