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Messages - rubberspanner

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

Due to sudden change in plans at our Spanish site we are in need of a Spanish-speaking Mitel trainer who can convey the use of Micollab NextGen client, Ignite (including the dialler element) and CCC to a team of 30 agents and a handful of supervisors/managers. The kicker is that we need this training on-site w/c 12th September which is only one week away! It would probably only need 1-2 days to complete and we are not too worried which of those days it happens but we would need to know asap to let the site plan accordingly.

Can anyone help us out? We (myself and our senior Mitel engineer) will be on site that week programming and other related tasks so the trainer will have a solid liaison throughout their time with us. Payment would be from a UK bank after production of an invoice. We are a very large and stable company.

Please let me know asap here or via PM if you can help.

Thanks in advance!

Mitel Software Applications / Agent and callcentre group management issues
« on: December 07, 2021, 11:43:34 AM »
Hi all,

Having recently taken over from a departed Senior Telecoms Engineer in a 2000 agent Mitel & Avaya house I'm having terrible difficulties in finding comparable callcentre management features on the Mitel platform that I'm used to having available on the Avaya platform. Perhaps you guys can assist me with this? (Admins - I have posted it here as it relates to a number of Mitel Software Applications but if it should belong elsewhere please feel free to move it to that location, thanks)

One huge problem we have is the bulk management of Agent Group membership. It seems that the only way we add/remove/manage agents within Agent Groups is via YSE but this is a very piecemeal process and takes forever - especially when some agents have membership upwards of 40 groups with associated skills to change. I know it's possible to import and export in bulk via MiVB but this does not allow you to specify a Default Voice Presence of 'Last Known' which is how we need to set them up so that Supervisors can change their memberships dynamically and have this remembered across the shifts. Most frustratingly you cannot change any group membership details whilst the agent is still logged in and this is another reason to avoid bulk changes as we have a lot of 24/7 Queues so a bulk change (even at the smallest of hours) often fails because one or more agents are still logged in.

Supervisors often need to review the skill levels of the agents against Groups to ensure those levels are an accurate reflection of the agents' abilities and to service our call queues effectively and against call loadings throughout the day. How do we pull agent group skill reports from the platform to provide these holistic reports to the business? Ideally we have need to do this 4 or 5 times a day and when very busy sometimes hourly. Furthermore how does a Supervisor change the agent's skills level themselves? I naturally assumed CCC would be the tool for this but I find it doesn't have such a feature. Within Avaya CMS the Supervisor can simply view the agents in skill groups and modify the skill levels individually or in bulk, in Mitel it only appears to be possible through YSE or MiVB - both of which we certainly do not want to be giving callcentre supervisors access to!

Ultimately it is not uncommon to perform a global reset of skills and group memberships on a daily basis and the business has been screaming out for this for a while but quite clearly an impossible task at present due to these limitations. The net result is that our call distribution across numerous call queues is in a complete disarray and I am at a total loss as to how I can retrieve the information they need to see in order to make changes - let alone figure out how I can then import those changes back into the system. Again all of this could be performed using CSV files through the Avaya CM in minutes.

Our BP can do nothing more than shrug their shoulders when I raise these issues, they seemingly have very little if any corporate callcentre experience and therefore fail to understand the gravity of the situation. I have asked them to run this back up to Mitel themselves and ask if there are any different or third party apps that could achieve what I'm asking for as this is becoming a very serious problem and holding us back on moving to more omnichannel solutions (as the management overhead will just exponentiate).

Does anyone know of any tools or solutions that would help us out here? We are seriously considering developing something ourselves!

Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Fun with Raspberry Pi
« on: December 07, 2021, 11:06:00 AM »
Hi Ralph.

Apologies for the delay in responding, my new role with the company I'm now working with has changed quite significantly and I've been pulled from pillar to post and then came down with the dreaded sickness in between. Thankfully all back online now and feeling better.

Now I can certainly configure a Pi to stream audio via RTP using something like Darkice but getting that to be managed by SIP signalling is a little beyond my code skills that really only extend to Avaya Vectoring and Nortel Symposium applications unfortunately. I'll certainly do some investigation and see if any of my dev friends know of a way to do this and will get back to you.

Introduction and Announcements / Re: Hello - New user from UK
« on: November 17, 2021, 08:25:13 AM »
Any experience with a Raspberry Pi?


Hi Ralph! I'm no ninja with them but have a few dotted around the radio studio I built and maintain for a LPFM (we call them Community Radio in the UK) performing audio streaming reception and running clocks and info displays on big screens. Planning to spin one up in the home office to run 3CX and replace my aging Linksys SPA9000 at some point. (If anyone has reciprocal info on how to attach a Linksys SPA4000 4 port FXO device to 3CX I'll be keen to chat!)

Introduction and Announcements / Hello - New user from UK
« on: November 17, 2021, 07:40:39 AM »
Greetings all  :)

My first message in this group so I'd better say hello and give my brief! Started out in data at a very young age and moved into corporate telecoms just over 20 years ago with plenty of 2-wire experience under my belt. That progressed into IP voice a few years later and the bulk of my experience has been with Avaya products & services. This year I have started a new role and this also includes working on a hosted Mitel platform so I'm re-learning quite a few ways of doing the same thing on a new platform and naturally coming up against a few issues. Having been an observer on this forum for a few months it strikes me you're a really nice bunch and no doubt I can throw some of my woes out there and hopefully get some great help back.

Other skills include electronics - specifically audio, broadcasting, recording, public address if anyone needs help in those fields!

Cheers  8)

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