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Messages - pomtom44

Pages: [1]
We have a MSP who manages our mitel instance, however they are slow at replying to basic questions like this, so often I have to find my own answers to things
So sorry if the question seems a bit basic or im missing something.

We want to run a daily report to get a list of abandoned queue calls for the previous day
I cant see a simple report which is "List of abandoned numbers"
The closet I have found is a queue unavailable trace report

The problem is
When I look on the ignite dashboard I see 10 abandoned for the queue I was using to test
When I look on the contact center software, it shows aprox 40-50 abandoned
And the report I found shows 11 abandoned and 9 unavailable

My questions are
Is there a report which just says "Heres the numbers from yesterday"
Why is there such a difference between the 3 numbers im getting from the different sources
and on the report I did find, what is the difference between abandoned and unavailable?

Many thanks in advance

Hi all
Sorry if this isnt the correct place to post this,

We are setting up a new Mitel install replacing our old PABX
part of this is also using the advanced queues such as sms, and email

While we have a MSP who manages and sets up our config for us, we have been given access as well to have a play with some advanced features to see what we can do in terms of linking our CRM to the queues

one thing we are trying to do is capture emails in and out of the email queues and save them in our own database

We have gotten a workflow working for inbound emails, to capture the email and pass it though to our database,
the problem we have is when we put that workflow on outbound emails, the body variable which gets passed though seems to be the body of the original email, not of the agents reply

Does anyone know whats going on here? and how we can fix it?
Our MSP is also looking into it, but not having much luck from their side

Many thanks in advance, and happy to answer any questions needed

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