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Messages - BradHand

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was this ever resolved?  I am getting the same type of errors.

It was not. We opened a case with Mitel but they drug their feet and never helped us. The project deadline was approaching quickly so we had to manually configure it all. Haven't tried to use this tool since as we have no faith in it.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Key Template questions
« on: August 14, 2020, 12:02:25 PM »
So I'm setting up a new MiVB and have a question regarding the Key Templates. I'm wanting to setup a template that will program line 1 with the label being the extension number and line 2 being a multicall identical to line 1. Is this possible to do as a template or do I have to go manually though each extension and configure the keys? See this image for how I'm setting this up. Is there a way to do this with a template?

Did u run reconsile wizard?

I had not at the time we ran the configuration wizard. Think that needs to be completed before running the wizard?

Ended up finding the solution and it was due to not having the "Maximum Elements per Cluster" field set high enough. Raised that setting and it finished.

However now we have a new issue that Mitel has escalated to their Tier 3. Hoping someone here may have seen it.

At this point it's configuring MiVB successfully but it isn't touching MiCollab at all. Here's those logs, the first log is what is displayed in the Configuration Wizard window and the 2nd is the actual text log that it generates:

Unsuccessful Operations: (View the log file for further details and corrective actions)

   MiCollab NuPoint UM Data... on MiCollab server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Failed)
   MiCollab Network Element Synchronization on MiVoice Business (Skipped due to MiCollab Application Data failure)
   MiVoice Business Groups (Skipped due to MiCollab Application Data failure)

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ____

[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: ConfigLog (main): Configuring Applications and Services on MiCollab...

[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: Configuring MiCollab NuPoint UM Data... on MiCollab server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: ConfigLog (step): MiCollab NuPoint UM Data... on MiCollab server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: Starting the HTTP client
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: Error while handling an HTTP client call
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: Failed to configure servies on MiCollab. Error: java.lang.NullPointerException
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: MiCollab NuPoint UM Data... on MiCollab server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Failed)

[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: ConfigLog (main): Final MiVoice Business Configuration...

[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: CSPV: Skipping configuration of Site Admin User Account data
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]:
Finished configuring MiVB and MiCollab Server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: File transfered successfully to host.
[Tue Aug 11 15:47:44 CDT 2020]: Uploaded MiConfigWizard Zip File to MiVB in the following directory - /db/database/sw_logs/.

Initial call with Mitel resulted in no results. The tech hadn't seen this error before. Now waiting on a return call.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Integrated Configuration Wizard issues
« on: August 10, 2020, 09:31:55 AM »
We are trying to use the new Mitel Integrated Configuration Wizard to program a 9.1 controller/MiVB/MiCollab for the first time and have hit a wall.  Below are the last few lines of the error log that is generated. If you would like to see the whole log I can post it up as well. Been searching Mitel's KMs and cannot find any information on this. We just opened a ticket with Mitel but figured I could reach out here for a potential faster solution. The version of the Wizard being used is which was the stated version in the release notes for 9.1.

[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: ConfigLog (step): Verifying MiVoice Business Release Limits...

[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: CWW: Verify MiVoice Business Release Limits
[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: SCW: Active software version retrieved:
[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: CWW: Finished checking MiVoice Business Release Limits in 0 (secs).
[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: Verifying MiVoice Business Release Limits...

[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: SCW: Active software version retrieved:
[Fri Aug 07 17:11:30 CDT 2020]: MiVoice Business release version is
[Fri Aug 07 17:13:20 CDT 2020]: Failed to connect to MiCollab via Thrift
[Fri Aug 07 17:13:20 CDT 2020]:
Finished configuring MiVB and MiCollab Server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
[Fri Aug 07 17:13:20 CDT 2020]: Failed to Create MiConfigWizard Zip File. File
not uploaded to MiVB and MiCollab Server .

Mitel Software Applications / MSL/MiCollab SFTP Access Issues
« on: July 16, 2020, 03:43:49 PM »
Hello all! I've been working through doing certificate updates ahead of the Aug 21st deadline and I keep running into an issue that I could use some insight on.

All our physical devices have been upgrading mostly without issues but our VMs that are running MSL/MiCollab sometimes have an issue allowing SFTP connections. We have to reboot the devices and then we can access SFTP to transfer the certificate files. However, we have to wait until after hours for each client to perform the reboot and it's really slowing us down. I have been looking but have been unable to find an answer to this question, is there a command to reset the SFTP service inside MSL or something similar that could allow us to regain access via SFTP without a reboot? I am able to use Putty to SSH into the devices.

Using known good UN/PW this is what we receive when attempting to SFTP using FileZilla, WinSCP has similar results/errors: FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server

Thanks all!

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