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Messages - malisa

Pages: [1]
I'm trying to open some old Reporter Pro files that were created by the Reporter Pro on our old phone server. The are in .mbd format which matches Access 97. I got an old version of Access that can open them, but it's asking for creds. My Mitel Partner didn't set up any creds for these database files , but said they may be created by the software to make it more proprietary. Does anyone know what Mitel would have set them as? ?

I think they are Jet 1 so it's stored in the database header, I've tried cracking it but haven't had any luck. 

thankyou for your help, I feel really dumb! Mitel took a look and the problem was that after subnet redo I somehow opened an earlier version on the server...which was running and looked normal! but the client was the newest version so it could never connect!  WHY I'm able to run 2 different versions of the same software is still a mystery but I've at least identified them and it immediately connected without any regedits etc.

But thank you so much for your help!!

The folder hasn't changed, so I'm assuming that is all the same. I can access it from the client computer using file explorer. Is there anything else as far as sharing that I would need to do? 

We changed the subnets on our network to expand our ip range and I manged to get the ip corrected in Data Manager on the CCS on the server and RealViewer and the rest of the app suite has no issues talking to the server but I can't get Reporter Pro to work It gets all the way to "reading agents" in status popup when connecting, then immediately errors out and says: "A network error has occurred. This can occur if you have not corectly configured the software or your operating system.  You may wish to check your system configuration[fffffc0b]

I checked the network ip in the registry on both server and client, the port and ip dns name are correct. I can even get to the CTI Databasein file manager and see the data, which is up and running on the server, but I cannot get the client to work.

Help I've been working on this since June 8th! thanks!

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