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Messages - pen-nerd

Pages: [1]
Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: create non prime extension
« on: September 18, 2020, 12:10:22 PM »
I finally figured out what was going on.   The stumbling block I had was how the non prime extensions were created.  But also in my environment, they were completely a red herring.  

For those struggling with how non prime extensions are created or how to manipulate them, this will help.  Non prime extensions are created when you add an extension that doesn't already exist to a key on a phone.  You can do this simply by going to Users and services configuration, selecting an existing phone, navigate to the keys tab, and add a key appearance for a new extension that doesn't yet exist.  This extension that you put on the key is now a non prime extension.  This extension can now be added to a hunt group or ring group and probably lots of other things. 

To delete a non prime extension from the system, you will need to find each phone that has a key for the extension and delete all of those keys.   You can find all the sets that have the key by navigating to Users and devices -> Advanced Configuration -> Multiline appearance Groups.

For those watching for what I was dealing with, the hunt group had a call rerouting rule that bounced calls to the external Esna voicemail system that had call routing voice menu tree for a mailbox associated with the hunt group.  When users called the hunt group, the call rerouting routed the call to the voicemail which timed out immediately and sent the call to the number monitored on a key on the secretary's phone.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / create non prime extension
« on: September 17, 2020, 12:36:45 PM »
I've inherited a Mitel 3300 cluster from an admin that left the company a few years ago.  I've been able to keep most things running, but I continually have trouble with non prime extensions being used in hunt groups.  Can someone tell me how these are created?

I have several hunt groups with Non Prime Extensions as their members.  Secretaries have a Multicall Key programmed on their sets that point to ANOTHER Non Prime Extension.  Somehow, when a caller calls the hunt group, it rings on the secretary's phone.  I just can't figure out how the non prime extensions in the hunt group ring the totally different non prime extension listed in the multicall key.

If someone could explain how these non prime extensions are created and how they are manipulated, I might finally be able to stretch my brain around how this all works together.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Teleworker keeps dropping
« on: March 24, 2020, 07:29:29 PM »
Thanks johnp!  Enabling Ping before Redirect did the trick.  The other settings were already as you indicated.  Now my remote help desk will have their phones ringing non-stop.  But at least it will reduce the number of voicemails they get.  You really helped us out.


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Teleworker keeps dropping
« on: March 24, 2020, 03:11:05 PM »
Thanks for your help Johnp.  The MBG servers are indeed in separate zones.

The Default zone is empty
Outside zone (backup zone is Inside zone) = UC server
Inside zone  (backup zone is Outside zone) = BG server

Are you saying that the teleworker client needs to be set to use the inside zone?
Or that I need to move the BG server into the Default Zone and have users pointed there?

And lastly, I'm not finding how to set the teleworker to a zone unless you mean setting the teleworker IP address when you boot the phone.
I certainly appreciate your assistance.  Sorry to be so unknowledgeable.  I've never been this deep into phones before and it is straining my knowledge.

Thank you,

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Teleworker keeps dropping
« on: March 24, 2020, 09:36:37 AM »
Thanks for the reply Johnp. Yes it is.  It is clustered with another micollab server as would be done in a DMZ except all three servers are in the LAN subnet with holes in the firewall to the Micollab UC server and the Micollab BG server.  I get the same results whether I connect to the BG or the UC server.
*  Micollab BG - \   *
*                        --*--  Firewall --- Cloud
*  Micollab UC - /   *
*       |                  *
*  Mitel 3300         *

Mitel Software Applications / Teleworker keeps dropping
« on: March 23, 2020, 07:08:06 PM »
I am setting up teleworkers with various Mitel 5220 and 5330 phones.  At all locations I am successful at connecting the teleworker sets to the MBG.  I can make and receive calls.  However, if a call is not in session, the phones will disconnect after 25 -30 seconds and remain disconnected for 45 - 50 seconds.  They don't appear to be rebooting.  On my newest phones, they actually show the network icon go from Green to White with an orange "!".  After they stay disconnected for 45-50 seconds, they connect back up and you can make and receive calls again for another 25-30 seconds.

I thought maybe the firewall was blocking some sort of traffic, but I built a wide open rule between one remote site and the MBG with the same result.

Wireshark at the phone site shows several TCP retransmissions from the phone that accompany each outage.

I'm completely at a loss on where to look next.  Is there a keepalive packet that I could have misconfigured or something? 
I could really use some help getting this set up so my coworkers can work from home a little better.

I greatly appreciate any guidance anyone can offer.


Thanks guys.  The problem was indeed in the Micollab Client Deployment  -> Configuration -> Connection to MBGs   where my connections were expired. I reauthorized them there after struggling with the necessary popups.  When I tested the configuration on the Micollab Client Deployment  -> Diagnostics tab, it still showed up as Certificate expired.  On a whim, I restarted the servers and bingo, it works again. 

Thanks for your assistance!

I'm trying to deploy some new Micollab clients for iphone users and they are getting an error 33 indicating that the server certificate is expired.  Using a web browser to view the certificate I can see the valid dates and the cert is indeed expired. 

The problem is I can't figure out where to configure THAT certificate.  If I log in to the Micollab server manager, go to Security -> Web Server, I can see the installed certificate and it is not expired.  Obviously there are multiple sites on the server, and they must be using different certificates but I can't figure out how to change the certificate for the deployment site which appears to be located on port 36008 of the same host system. 

For example works fine, no cert error. also works correctly.  However, has an expired cert.  Can someone point me in the direction of where that certificate can be updated?

Thank you for any assistance,


Thanks Dogbreath.  I had that set to read/write, but it wasn't working because the default setting was read only.  After I changed the default to read/write, it started working as expected.

I finally solved this, but not in the way I expected.  After applying read/write to all the members, and still being denied, I set the default permission to read/write and then removed access to the extraneous nodes and it worked.  So in the interface, it looked exactly the same but the "default" setting was now read/write.  Now I have permissions that work as I need them.

Perhaps somebody knows about how to log the denial in a way that shows what member is denying access.  Anybody?

Thanks Dogbreath, The Keys tab lists the keys on the ip sets.  Attached is a picture of where it is in the GUI:

I'm trying to create an Admin Policy that allows users with that policy to edit the Keys tab of users under Users and Devices -> Users and Services Configuration.  I've crawled through the Admin Policies attempting to only add the necessary permissions and no more.  Unfortunately, I can not seem to get the magic combination of Policy Members that allows them to save changes in the Keys tab.  Does anyone know which Policy Member is associated with saving those fields?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Bill

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