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Messages - tmulkey

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We have 4 Mitels 250's at 4 locations.  We are working remote for the Covid-19 and we have 90% of our extensions forwarded to cell phones.

When a call come into Location A from a SIP trunk and it is transferred to and extension at Location B that is forwarded to a Cell phone out it's SIP trunks the transferring phone acts like it will transfer for a few seconds then the call comes back.  The transferring phone gets a message that the Transfer Could not be completed.

We can transfer to extensions that are forwarded within the same branch fine it is only when it comes in one branch and leaves on the other branch.  We've had a high priority case open with for 5 days and they won't call us back.  Is there any type of security restriction or setting that may be preventing trunk to trunk transfers between systems?

Please help with any ideas. 


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Recal Option
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:52:27 PM »

Sorry, it is called "Camp-ons Allowed" - Set to Yes, and in the users flags make sure Camp-On Indications are set to Yes.

But like DNDon said, this is a very poor way to set this up... if you have analog lines, it can result in lines being tied up in the system when groups are looped back to each other.

I agree 100% this is a bad way.  I intend to clean it up like DNDon said.  I am just making sure I understand how everything is supposed to work before I make the changes here.   I don't want to mess up the Main number and start loosing sales calls for the company.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Recal Option
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:49:28 PM »
Calls will remain in the hunt group until the Recall timer expires, regardless if members are busy. The original assumption is incorrect.

There's too much going on here, with calls bouncing around. Add ext. 1200 and 1201 to P0009, and remove the recall from HG-2259.

Calls will ring on HG-1043, recall to HG-2259 and stay there until answered or abandoned.

I have twe questions.  Since there is no Calling Group type of Hunt Group that rings all Members, just Linear and Circular, is this why the member is set to a Extension list?  Does it ring all phones in that extension list as one logical member?

Also can you explain the difference between a "IP/Digital Telephone" Extension List and a "Hunt Group Members" extension list.  Is the ring strategy different between those two types of extension lists.

Thank you for you time.  I have kind of been dropped into managing this phone system without any Mitel experience.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Recal Option
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:26:02 PM »
Enable call waiting for the hunt group.

I am looking through the hunt group setting under Devices and Feature Codes, Hunt Groups, Local, and the extension and I don't see and option anywhere for Call Waiting.  Am I missing something?

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Hunt Group Recal Option
« on: January 17, 2019, 04:19:51 PM »
Hi, This is my first post.   I have previously administered Older Key systems and 3Com NBX and FreePBX systems, but this is my first Mitel.

I have a hunt group for our receptionists that answer the phone. 

Main Number rings to 1043 (Hunt Group) - Linear
   P0003 (Phone Extension List)
     1200 - User A
     1201 - User B
Recall to 2259 (Hunt Group 2)
   P0009 (Hunt Group Member Extension List) - Linear
     1254 - User C
     1204 - User D
Recall back to 1043 (Hunt Group)

The problem we have is when both receptionists are on the phone it immediately goes to the backup hung group.  They would like to have and option to see the call is ringing and have 20 seconds or so to put a call on hold and pick up another one with another Call Key (I call them System Appearances)

In other systems I have worked with when I setup a Calling Group that rings all phones, both phones have there second or third System Appearence (Call Key) light and have a chance to answer before it got to the coverage (Recall) for that hunt group.  Not sure how to duplicate that functionality on Mitel.

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